TFN declaration and super choice
The transfer of staff employment from the foundation universities to Adelaide University will begin on 18 January 2025, as confirmed by Proclamation of the Governor of South Australia on 5 December 2024. This involves a change in identity of the employer, recognising continuity of employment.
To avoid having your tax calculated at the highest marginal tax rate under Federal legislation, all staff are required to:
- complete a Tax File Number (TFN) declaration for Adelaide University
- confirm their choice of superannuation fund with Adelaide University.
Adelaide University (as your new employer post transfer) will then provide TFN declarations to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
If a tax file number declaration is not provided to Adelaide University, this may mean you will pay more tax and have less take home pay following transfer of employment to Adelaide University. If you don’t confirm your Superannuation details or supply a Super Choice election, Adelaide University will process Super payments in accordance with the ATO’s instructions, which may include paying Super contributions to a different fund than your foundation university is currently paying into.
A secure online form has been developed to enable staff to provide their TFN declaration and choice of superannuation fund to Adelaide University. UoA staff can access this form via the interim staff intranet. The form will be on the SSO platform (click on the 'Adelaide University Onboarding' tile on the SSO dashboard).
While all staff are encouraged to complete and submit the form before the Christmas break, it is critical that professional staff complete the form by 6 January 2025. Academic staff are strongly encouraged to complete the form now to ensure that these details are collected well before the due date of 20 April. Please also check that your team members and colleagues are aware of this requirement.
To ensure outstanding payments are made (i.e. retrospective leave payments, timesheets, reimbursements and the like), please ensure you are up-to-date and have actioned all outstanding administration by the end of 2024 in preparation for transfer.