A 2019 sign-off

by Cooper Williams

I’ve had a great 2019. Thank you all for listening to my thoughts and rantings…

It has been an honour and a privilege to be a part of the What Messes With Your Head Blog Team for 2019. Mental health and wellbeing are essential services, especially at university. I hope you have enjoyed some of my writing and found some of it interesting. Please continue to read the blog into the future months and years and see the amazing work from all the other bloggers. Our editor, Ben, always holds the blog to high standards and makes sure the content is appropriate, useful, interesting and, of course, grammatically correct. [Editor’s Note: you will need to pluck the Oxford comma out of my cold, dead hands before I give it up – Ben]

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts and opinions through the blog for 2019 and would love any feedback or comments from our readers. I encourage everyone, including myself, to make the most of the services provided at the university. They may sometimes seem out of the way or awkward to engage with, but if you need to talk or share with someone or even grab a condom (which look notoriously like the free tea bags [Editor’s Second Note: that was totally unintentional… honest! – Ben]), just go for it! There is no shame in using these services at all. You are who you are, and we all face challenges. You are a student or you are involved in this university. You are entitled to these services, and you deserve it.

So thank you to all our readers for 2019, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,


Tagged in Student life