Managing commitments

This week, things have really started to pile up on me and it is making my work sloppy. So, I tried out a couple of organisational tools to keep me in check.
I have a LOT of things happening this week. I have a new job, I am blogging (hi!), working on a new project (stay tuned lovely readers), studying a second degree at another university AND I have to do things like laundry and cooking urgh!
I have tried doing the whole timetabling thing but honestly, my life is just too hectic. I need a timetable that’s more of a jigsaw puzzle but it's not compulsory for the parts to fit together.
I have slowly been learning that flexibility is one of my greatest assets and weaknesses. It means I can do things around other peoples’ schedules but means sometimes I exhaust myself doing just that. So that of course led to me setting some parameters around days like only 9-5 work. Except the world we live in doesn’t really like that time frame.
One thing that consistently does help me stay organised is my calendar on my phone. It is so much more flexible than a traditional one, it gives me notifications and I can download invites straight from my email. It does scare me how reliant I am upon it sometimes but hey its working!
Most importantly however – I need to learn to not feel afraid to say no. Just because someone wants me to do something or asks if I can, there is literally no law book which says I must comply. Because it is entirely up to me and I need to recognise my own limitations and when I am stretched too thin. And that is all just a learning process.