Emergency Services

The Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital offers a 24-hour 7-day service for emergencies.
Emergencies are consulted on a priority basis depending on the urgency of the situation. If you are unsure if your animal’s situation is an emergency, please contact the hospital. We will advise you of the best possible course of action.
Afterhours and Weekend Emergencies
Outside of normal business hours and on weekends, your calls will be transferred to our after hours veterinarian.
The vet will triage your situation and provide advice about any emergency treatment you can administer immediately. They will make arrangement for your pet to visit our centre for hospitalisation.
Hospital Admissions
Please call us in an emergency so we can prepare for your pets' arrival.
When you arrive at the Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital our staff will meet you at the gate and undertake a health assessment of your pet.
Once a detailed assessment is completed, our vet will advise you of a plan for the next 24 hours and any associated costs involved. Throughout this time we will let you know of any changes in the animal’s health, or any costs which may occur.
We understand that this can be a stressful time for you and your horse, so we encourage you to try to remain calm and travel safely.
Payment for emergency services must be settled prior to leaving the facility. We recommend VetPay if you experience difficulties in this area.