Waite Campus
The University of Adelaide's Waite campus is home to the largest concentration of agriculture and wine research and teaching expertise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Here, the Waite Research Precinct (The Waite) is a hive of complementary organisations and centres engaged in world-class research and development in plant biotechnology, cereal breeding, sustainable food and agriculture, wine, horticulture and natural resource sciences.
Named in honour of Peter Waite, the Waite Agricultural Research Institute was established on the site in 1924 following the bequest of Urrbrae House and 300 acres from Mr Peter Waite to the University of Adelaide.
The objective of the bequest was "to advance the cause of education and more especially to promote the teaching and study of Agriculture and Forestry and allied subjects".
The campus is located on 184 hectares in the Adelaide foothills with views to the sea and the city. It is located at Urrbrae, seven kilometres south east of North Terrace campus and the Adelaide CBD.
Campus map and directions
Visit Waite campus
Waite campus is home to the internationally renowned:
Waite Historic Precinct website
- Our campus tours website provides information about visiting Waite campus.
- Students and staff can also make use of the Inter Campus Shuttle Bus service 'University Shuttle' which travels between campus locations.
Campus features and facilities
Research and teaching
The Waite Research Institute is at the centre of the Waite Research Precinct, which delivers outcomes of direct significance to both Australian and international agriculture, food and wine industries. Annual research expenditure of the co-located partners exceeds $120 million per annum.
At the centre of the University's teaching and research in viticulture and oenology is the Coombe Vineyard and Hickinbotham Roseworthy Wine Science Laboratory.
On campus partners
- Waite Research Institute
- School of Agriculture, Food & Wine
- Adelaide Glycomics
- Arris Pty Ltd
- Australian Genome Research Facility
- Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- End Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre
- Food South Australia
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology
- Potatoes SA
- South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) – a division of Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA)
- The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
- Thinclab Adelaide (Waite node)
- ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Innovative Wine Production
- Wine Innovation Cluster (WIC)
Shared facilities and services
- Adelaide Microscopy (Waite node)
- Australian Pastures Genebank (SARDI)
- Horticulture pathology and screening (SARDI)
- Insect Diagnostic Service (SARDI)
- Lipid Analysis Service
- Metabolomics Australia (based at AWRI)
- SARDI Molecular Diagnostic Unit
- Seed testing and certification (SARDI)
- The Australian Genome Research Facility (Environment and agriculture node)
- The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (The Plant Accelerator )
- WIC Winemaking Services
Student and staff facilities
- Beltana Café
- Campus security
- Childcare centre
- On-campus food trucks
- Recreational facilities including gym and playing fields
- Student mentor programs
- Venue hire for conferences
- Waite Library
University of Adelaide departments
Study at Waite campus
The Waite’s leading research capabilities provide outstanding opportunities for dynamic education and training facilitated by the Faculty of Sciences and schools of agriculture, food and wine and biological sciences.
The campus is home to more than 800 students at undergraduate, postgraduate, masters and PhD level in the following fields:
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