Mathematics for Data Science / Mathematical Foundations of Data Science

Resources for Mathematics for Data Science I and Mathematical Foundations of Data Science - for more information about the courses, please see course outlines.

Preparation and Study Skills

We have revision worksheets on a number of topics, that will help you revise topics from high-school maths. These are available in print form from the MLC room in Hub Central, but you can also download them here: High School revision worksheets.

There are also mini textbooks and lecture videos covering much of the content from high school Maths Methods here: bridging course resources

Also, this seminar page has two seminars giving advice on studying for a course like this that has lots of maths and an exam.

Maths Drop-In Centre

Students in Maths for Data Science and Math Foundations of Data Science are allowed and encouraged to use the MLC Drop-In Centre to discuss any aspect of their mathematical learning. The Drop-In Centre is available both face-to-face and online, and you can find out more on the MLC Drop-In Centre website.


The MLC has given lectures on the topics involved in Maths for Data Science to students in various courses over the years. Links to these seminars and related resources are organised below. (Note that sometimes the content will not match Maths for Data Science exactly, so be sure to check your own course material if in doubt.)