Partnership blends leading wine research capabilities

The University of Adelaide's Waite campus.
Today, Monday 12 December, a partnership between the University of Adelaide and the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) will be cemented with support from Wine Australia.
The partnership will benefit the Australian grape and wine sector by improving grape and wine quality and production, and by building business sustainability.
The strategic partnership between the University and AWRI will establish a joint research program funded by Wine Australia over four years, currently comprising 13 projects focused on research and development activities in winemaking, viticulture and the wider wine community, and facilitating the dissemination, adoption and commercialisation of the results.
The projects are aligned with priorities identified in Wine Australia’s Strategic Plan 2020–25; and will increasingly focus on NOLO (no and low alcohol wine production), ESG (sustainability) as well as wine production and quality. These key impact areas are being developed through co-design with the sector, will attract co-investment and will involve a range of partners.
The partnership will be marked today with a signing ceremony.
Wine Australia Chief Executive Officer Dr Martin Cole said, “We’re delighted to support the partnership between two esteemed institutions for Australian grape and wine research.
“This program will help cultivate outcomes into key areas of impact that will strengthen the Australian grape and wine sector’s competitiveness and sustainability.
“This new way of working will unlock significant investment and drive future growth for the sector. And we’re also pleased that it will support a new generation of researchers to enter our sector.”
The Australian Wine Research Institute Limited (AWRI) is one of the country’s leading grape and wine research and development organisations, supporting a sustainable and successful grape and wine sector through world-class research, practical solutions and knowledge transfer.
“This partnership will help to increase the impact of innovative research undertaken at the University’s Waite campus and benefit grape growers and winemakers around Australia."The University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Anton Middelberg.
Dr Mark Krstic is the Managing Director of the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI).
“The AWRI and the University of Adelaide have a long history of collaboration and cooperation,” he said.
“This partnership will build on the strengths of the existing relationship and leverage the capabilities of the two organisations, increasing the capability for grape and wine research, development, extension and adoption on the Waite campus and continuing to support the sustainability and profitability of the Australian wine sector.
The University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Anton Middelberg welcomed the partnership.
“This partnership will help to increase the impact of innovative research undertaken at the University’s Waite campus and benefit grape growers and winemakers around Australia,” he said.
“The University of Adelaide has long been a leader in research related to viticulture and oenology.
“About 70 per cent of Australian wine research happens at the Waite campus.”
In July 2022, the University and AWRI, both with major facilities on the Waite Precinct, entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) to facilitate strategic research initiatives in wine research. Through their partnership, the two organisations will collaborate to deliver a research program and engage in capability building activities for the benefit of the Australian grape and wine community.
Media contacts:
Crispin Savage, Manager, Media and News, The University of Adelaide.
Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465. Email:
Hannah Bentley, Senior Communications Manager, Wine Australia.
Mobile: +61 (0)428 930 865. Email: