Research Tuesdays

Research Tuesdays

A public lecture series from The University of Adelaide

From tackling Meningococcal B to finding energy solutions for the future, our discoveries make a difference to people's lives across the world.

At Research Tuesdays we share this knowledge, every month. If you're curious about the changing world, we invite you to join us.


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Redefining human genetics

Imagine a world where advanced gene editing was commonplace: would there be designer babies, fewer genetic diseases? This may sound like science fiction, but researchers are rapidly advancing toward these possibilities.

Professor Paul Thomas uses CRISPR technology to develop precision therapies for various inherited diseases and genetic tools for suppressing invasive pests––and he’s speaking out about the possible risks of gene editing.

Join us in October to learn the impacts––both positive and negative––gene modification could have on our health, environment, and society.

The presenter

Professor Paul Thomas

Date: Tuesday, October 8
Time: 5.30pm

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Previous events


3 Minute Thesis

Explaining years of research in three minutes, using only one PowerPoint slide. That’s the challenge 10 of our PhD students tackled in the national Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

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Improving endometriosis care

Pathways to endometriosis are costly and time-consuming. With AI, new medicines, and community platforms, researchers from the University of Adelaide are breaking down the barriers to accessible care.

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Our new right to disconnect

The global shift to remote working during the pandemic arguably led to ‘availability creep’ and unspoken expectations that employees must be accessible to their workplace at all hours.

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