AU Transition Council update

The Adelaide University held its sixth formal Transition Council meeting on 23 August 2024, which was attended by Mr Jim McDowell, a newly appointed member of the Council. This was following the resignation of Mr Andrew Pridham, to whom the Chancellor expressed appreciation for his valuable contribution towards the establishment and transition to Adelaide University.  

At the meeting, Council received an in-depth update on the status of the project implementation plan, which has evolved significantly in recent times to articulate critical paths to Day 1 – now just 16 months away and well in sight of the Transition Council.

Curriculum development, systems integration, culture, workforce transition and developments in higher education policy featured strongly on the agenda and Council took time to reflect on the intense pace at which staff are working towards attainment of the Day 1 deliverables, including celebrating the success of GTM ’24.

Ms Pauline Carr

Chancellor, Adelaide University

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