Propel your personal and career growth with cultural intelligence

Emotional intelligence, a skill developed by psychologist Daniel Goleman, empowers individuals with the ability to pause and reflect before taking action. Similarly, cultural intelligence (CQ) improves our ability to not only perceive and appreciate the unique differences between individuals from diverse cultures and recognise the underlying similarities that bring people together.

Cultural intelligence goes further by giving us tools to reflect on our experiences and plan for the next time so that we can act with confidence in unfamiliar culturally diverse environments. Cultural intelligence is about many kinds of cultural diversity, e.g. national, ethnic, professional, generational, gender, religious, mental and physical ability, etc. 

Knowing how you can skillfully form connections with people from diverse cultural backgrounds is a confidence boost and can also work wonders for your employability — giving you an edge in that all-important job interview. 

Getting ready to embrace the possibilities of your career in the global workforce.
Merely reading about the beliefs and customs of foreign cultures is a great starting point, but it alone isn’t enough to excel in communicating with people from diverse backgrounds or working overseas.

But first things first, you’ll need to learn how to make meaningful connections with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Like your academic training, the key to increasing your capability will come from practice, practice, practice.

The good news is you have the opportunity at our University to develop and practice CQ in a safe space with other students.

image of students

Students who have recently participated in the Global IQ Connect program.

Global IQ Connect Program
What if I told you that all it takes is five weeks to get you started interacting confidently with people from diverse cultural backgrounds?

The Global IQ Connect Program can get you there. It’s an extra-curricular program designed to help you learn about the important role culture plays in our behaviour and thinking and navigating cultural diversity. You’ll do this face-to-face, or online via Zoom, with a small number of culturally diverse students in a series of workshops that addresses topics including cultural values, perceptions, and conflict management.

To top it off, you’ll receive a certificate that can be added to your resume, start practicing your intercultural communications skills in the real world, and level up your employability skills.  Hours from the program will also contribute to the Adelaide Graduate Award and CaRST.

Cultural intelligence and your career
In addition to a degree, employers seek individuals with soft skills that will add a competitive edge to their business. CQ is one of the tools that gives individuals an advantage in the workplace by improving communication, cooperation, teamwork, creativity and performance.  And it makes sense as individuals with high levels of CQ are better equipped to accomplish goals in a respectful and effective way, regardless of the cultural context.

image of katrina

Katrina has developed her cultural intelligence skills, gained confidence, and expanded her understanding of cultural differences by participating in the Global IQ Connect program.

Our University is full of inspiring people who decided to have a go at developing cultural intelligence and making new friends. Meet Katrina, an undergraduate, keen traveller, and program participant.

What will participants do in the program?
During the Global IQ Connect (GIQC) program, you will be placed in a small group with people from a variety of cultures. Over the five-week course of the program your group will attend a weekly workshop covering that week’s content with many opportunities for whole class discussions and activities. After the workshops you will have a chance to deepen your understanding of the content by discussing the concepts and personal experiences, perceptions, and interpretations within your smaller groups.

What is it like interacting with people from different cultures?
The GIQC program was a great opportunity to form connections with students at the university from a variety of faculties, levels of study and cultures; my group members still keep in touch even now that the program has finished. In fact, it is difficult not to form connections; you see the same people every week to partake in important, culture-based conversations. The program not only allowed me to develop as a person to understand people from different backgrounds, but I was also able to develop crucial employability skills.

What did you gain from the program?
Now as I progress through university and enter the workforce, I have more confidence in my cross-cultural communication skills and ability to manage expectations and potential misunderstandings due to cultural differences. These skills are valued by employers in our rapidly globalising world, so your participation in this program is a great addition to your resume or LinkedIn.

What advice do you have for students who are interested in the program?
If you are interested in building meaningful connections and developing your employability skills and cultural intelligence, Global IQ Connect is for you! My main advice would be to go in with a smile, an open mind and enthusiasm to learn about your group members. As a domestic student who loves to travel, GIQC gave me the opportunity to indulge in my curiosity for other cultures, right here from home. I highly recommend the GIQC program, you never know the skills and connections you may make!

Think you might be ready to immerse yourself in CQ, while also meeting fellow students from different cultures, and expanding your career horizons? Two more program rounds will be offered this year. 

Register your interest

Tagged in student news, Global IQ Connect