Looking forward to a break

Sunshine drawing

With semester break just around the corner, I am trying to find things to look forward to.

The end of semester can feel like a lifetime. The days can feel long yet seem to pass quickly without much happening. In amongst the stress and anxiety of it all, I find motivation and positivity in finding things to look forward to. This can come in the forms of planning trips, going camping, cooking and eating good food as well as a good sleep in. Here are some things I am trying to look forward to in the semester break.

Free time

Strangely, I tend to not get out and plan when I am in the middle of a semester workload. I let the work load I have restrict me and hold me back from doing anything. I find it hard to put down my phone, emails and work schedule and just go and do something. I worry that I don’t have enough time, or I have other priorities to focus on. When semester is over, I can’t use that excuse. I am looking forward to just waking up and thinking, I don’t have any obligations today, today I am free of excuses and free to do something I want. Often this culminates in the form of lounging around and relaxing. However, when I am organised enough, I like to get out into nature.


A good camping trip requires preparation, planning and a good sense of adventure. This is something I love to do during my semester breaks. Each trip I go on allows me to find a new hidden gem and appreciate the wonderful natural world around me. A good camping trip helps me destress and unwind and most importantly, re-evaluate. There are always highs and lows and memories that are made.


With all the spare time I have during the break, I always look forward to new cooking ventures. I love to try new recipes and preserves and mess around with new presentations and decorative ideas. What is best is the feeding and eating part! I love trying what I have cooked and sharing it around. It allows me to always keep looking for ways to improve and build community around eating. I find the best way to enjoy good food is with others.

Re-forming routines

I find the stressful and late nights (often common during the end of semester period) can leave some of my healthy routines and habits ruined. My sleep schedule and my exercise routine can fall out the window and before I know it, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep or done any exercise for weeks. So, once I have some free time on my hands, I am looking forward to re-forming some good healthy habits during the semester break,

Tagged in Wellbeing, What messes with your head, Routine