Merry Christmas to all creatures great and small but beware there are hazards for your pets

Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1106804">Uschi Leonhartsberger-Schrott</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1106804">Pixabay</a>

Staff at the Veterinary Health Centre wish you and your pets a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

In the terrible event of your pet having an accident or getting sick we will be here for you, 24 hours seven days a week including public holidays. Please contact us on 8313 1999 as we may need to prepare for your emergency. 

There are a number of hazards at Christmas time that you can avoid for the safety and health of your pet. We all indulge in food and treats at Christmas being part of the festivities but for our pets it’s not so good. Chocolate toxicity is a danger and can cause death so move bowls of chocolate treats up high. If you’re pet ingests chocolate this is a medical emergency and requires a visit to a vet.  Fatty foods such as eating a ham bone or BBQ left overs can cause major gastric upsets, including painful pancreatitis. Grapes, raisins and macadamia nuts are also poisonous to pets. If your pet vomits, has diarrhoea or is lethargic visit a vet as soon as possible. Indoor flowers and plants can be toxic to cats and dogs such as Poinsettia, holly berries and Ivy. Keep flowers high up away from pets.

Christmas decorations are fun to look at but can be hazardous to pets. Tinsel is attractive to cats and dogs as are small decorations. When swallowed they can cause choking or intestinal blockages. If your pet starts vomiting or shows signs of lethargy it’s time to contact your vet.

Its summer and everyone is enjoying Christmas activities outside. Dogs and cats join in family fun and sometimes accidents happen. Some simple tips include keeping gates shut so dogs don’t run out on the road and get hit by a car or throwing sticks to your dog can be hazardous as they can become lodged in their mouth or throat. As the temperature rises in summer remember not to leave dogs in cars and supply shade and cool drinking water to avoid heat exhaustion.

As we settle into holiday and family time enjoy your pets at Christmas. 

Merry Christmas from all staff at the Veterinary Health Centre.

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Tagged in Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital