Melbourne alumna returns to Adelaide for Fringe debut

Sarah Bartolo

Singer, actor, and writer, Sarah Bartolo.

Sarah Bartolo is an actor, singer and writer based in Melbourne. After completing her Bachelor of Arts in 2007, Sarah moved overseas to pursue her acting career and spent four years in New York and then moved back to Melbourne in 2020 during the pandemic.

During her time at the University of Adelaide, Sarah was the events coordinator for the Adelaide University Union and enjoyed hosting events such as movies on the lawns and barbeques.

“It was so nice to know that I was contributing to the uni culture for students.” 

“I learnt a lot about myself during my time at the University, and it helped me to hone my confidence in the field of arts."

Sarah was always interested in pursuing overseas opportunities as she felt it would be a life-changing experience as an artist.

Sarah Bartolo

“After graduating, I won a scholarship in 2015 at The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and moved to the US,” said Sarah.

A major career highlight for Sarah was performing “Maybe this time” at Carnegie Hall, New York.

Sarah’s next venture brings her back to campus for a brand-new comedy Fringe show, which will be held at the Uni Bar.

“During COVID, I created Business Women's Luncheon: Your Ticket to Financial Freedom! with fellow comedian Lauren Edwards. The show is a satirical parody of a multi-level marketing business event that is hosted by two very hectic boss babe leaders, Diedre Dunning (me) and Pam Kruger (Edwards)."

Business Women's Luncheon: Your Ticket to Financial Freedom

When asked where she sees herself in the next five to 10 years, Sarah shared “I would love to have my own TV show and be a full-time actor, screen writer or performer. I would also love the opportunity mentor young performers and writers as it is such a challenging industry to break into”.

Tagged in alumni in focus, alumni profiles