Participate in a Study

World-leading researchers at the University of Adelaide and Royal Adelaide Hospital are striving to understand better how gut function affects processes like blood glucose and appetite control.

Below is a list of current research trials, click the 'find out more' or 'email' button next to the research study if you wish to find out how you can participate.

Research study Disease indication Contact Click for more information

Type 2 Diabetes Whey Protein Study

Male aged 65 years or over

Living with type 2 diabetes, controlled by diet or metformin medication alone

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Type 2 Diabetes Once Weekly Study

Type 2 Diabetes

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Blood Pressure - Postprandial Hypotension Study

Healthy participants

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Artificial sweeteners in Diabetes

Healthy participants

Type 2 Diabetes

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Blocking gut sweet taste in Diabetes

Healthy participants

Type 2 Diabetes

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GIP-Sitagliptin Study Type 2 Diabetes Email Find out more


Daily vs intermittent restriction of energy: controlled trial to reduce diabetes risk

Healthy overweight participants Email Find out more
Dietary compound – Energy intake, Glycaemia, and Obesity Study Healthy participants Email Find out more
Dual Antagonist Study Healthy participants Email Find out more

The CALAMINO Study: Effects of calcium and amino acids on gut hormone secretions and bone turnover in healthy volunteers.

Healthy participants Email Find out more

Please note: All research has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, and an honorarium is paid in recognition of time spent in the trial.