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Communicating Science to Audiences Beyond Your Field

Have you ever found it challenging to present to an audience outside of your Science field?

[Read more about Communicating Science to Audiences Beyond Your Field]

Aimee Horsfall

[Read more about Aimee Horsfall]

Tess Reynolds - Move to the ACROBEAT: syncing with patients for faster, safer and smarter 3D medical imaging

Adaptive CaRdiac cOne BEAm computed Tomography (ACROBEAT) is a novel paradigm for imaging patients. It enables medical imaging and treatment hardware to be adapted to changes in patient cardiac and breathing rates in real-time.

[Read more about Tess Reynolds - Move to the ACROBEAT: syncing with patients for faster, safer and smarter 3D medical imaging ]

Ultimate control of electrons in nano- structures - Alan Gardin

In some systems, such as for the semiconductor quantum dots used in on-demand single-electron transport pumps [1-4] , fast time-dependent perturbation of the potentials confining the electrons allows one to observe time-dependent oscillations between two quantum states reminiscent of Rabi oscillations in qubit systems [5] .

[Read more about Ultimate control of electrons in nano- structures - Alan Gardin ]

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