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SACOME Annual Staff and Student Membership Benefits 2022

Electricity pylon sunset

The Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources has renewed SACOME Annual Membership FY22/23 for staff and up to 80 students.

[Read more about SACOME Annual Staff and Student Membership Benefits 2022]

PRIF Mining Consortium Annual Assembly 2022

Mineral and mining capability

Friday 22nd July 2022 I 9:30am – 5:00pm I The Adelaide Convention Centre (Riverbank Room 5) and via Zoom (link will be provided closer to the event).

[Read more about PRIF Mining Consortium Annual Assembly 2022]

Soil Carbon Increases Under Cover Crops

cover crops

The level of soil organic carbon (SOC) was almost 23 per cent higher in areas that had cover crops directly below vines, when compared to a standard method of spraying herbicide on the soil.

[Read more about Soil Carbon Increases Under Cover Crops]

HiTeMP-3 Forum 26-28 September 2022

HiTeMP-2 Outlook

The 2022 forum will build on the outcomes of the previous HiTeMP forums and identify the next steps for decarbonising heavy industry. Join world-leading experts and participate in the discussion to further shape a carbon-constrained future and prepare for the new, low-carbon economy.

[Read more about HiTeMP-3 Forum 26-28 September 2022]

Improving Border Adjustment Mechanisms

gas emissions over a container port

The Institute for International Trade (IIT) releases a major new paper on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs).

[Read more about Improving Border Adjustment Mechanisms]

New Electrocatalysts Herald Carbon Neutrality

Wind farm and trees

ISER is proud to support the University of Adelaide Centre for Materials in Energy and Catalysis (CMEC). Professor Shizhang Qiao, Centre Director, and his team at CMEC, are undertaking fundamental research into new types of high-performance low-cost metal-based electrocatalysts that are the key to the development of sustainable energy solutions and help to achieve carbon neutrality. They are developing catalysts which can be ‘tailored’ to different uses.

[Read more about New Electrocatalysts Herald Carbon Neutrality]

Future Fuels CRC Webinar: Australia's Most Viable Bioenergy Locations

Bioenergy location

Thursday 2 June 2022 – 11:30am to 1:00pm (AEST Melb/Syd)

[Read more about Future Fuels CRC Webinar: Australia's Most Viable Bioenergy Locations]

Launch of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER)

Two women and a man smiling at the camera

ISER replaces the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER), building on its legacy, while deepening and broadening its considerable success and engagement with key sectors in Australia.

[Read more about Launch of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER)]

Congratulations to Adjunct Professor Kathy Ehrig

Smiling woman with brown hair

Adjunct Professor Kathy Ehrig (Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources) has been awarded the 2022 Haddon Forrester King Medal  and Lecture (Career award) by the Australian Academy of Science. Kathy is recognised for her insights and research leadership into the complex geological events involved in the formation of the supergiant copper-uranium-gold-silver ore deposit at BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam site.

[Read more about Congratulations to Adjunct Professor Kathy Ehrig]

Australian Rover Challenge and Laboratory Unveiling: Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources

Mars rover and people

ISER is proud to support Associate Professor John Culton, Director of the Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources, and his team, who have had an exciting month with the opening of the new Exterres laboratory, and hosting of the second Australian Rover Challenge (ARCh), both at the University of Adelaide:

[Read more about Australian Rover Challenge and Laboratory Unveiling: Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources]

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