Language Level Self Assessment

To select the most appropriate course for your current level of language ability, we encourage you to self-assess using the sample assessments/placement tests and by reviewing the text used in each language level.

Placement Tests

Click on the course below that you intend to study. The placement test assesses language skills required prior to study at a particular level. If you feel the placement test for a particular course was too easy or difficult, look at the next level up or down (whichever applies) to determine your appropriate level of study.

To obtain an accurate indication of the right level of study, please be realistic when assessing your language skills. Take note, and consider, the special instructions in the tests (such as time limits for tasks).

Please note that the assessment component in our language courses is optional - students can opt not to participate in any or all assessments. While all of our language courses focus on the 4 macro skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), only the reading and writing components are tested in the placement tests provided here.