News: featured

Preserving culture: protecting heritage buildings against earthquakes

heritage building

Our engineering researchers have developed breakthrough methods to earthquake-proof heritage buildings, advancing disaster resilience and safeguarding historic cultural sites around the globe.

[Read more about Preserving culture: protecting heritage buildings against earthquakes]

Speed-reducing innovations drive safety on regional roads

A road with a road sign on the left

University of Adelaide’s Centre for Automotive Safety Research (CASR) is developing technology to reduce crashes at regional intersections and––in the words of CASR researcher Chris Stokes––“save lives.”

[Read more about Speed-reducing innovations drive safety on regional roads]

New AI-powered Bushfire-fighting App NOBURN Goes Live

A Bushfire

University of Adelaide experts from the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) developed a new AI-powered model to help predict and prevent devastating bushfires. 

[Read more about New AI-powered Bushfire-fighting App NOBURN Goes Live]

Professor Helen Marshall Named 2023 South Australian Scientist of the Year

Professor Helen Marshal

Leading University of Adelaide vaccinologist Professor Helen Marshall AM has been named 2023 South Australian Scientist of the Year for her life-saving research on meningococcal disease and immunisation.

[Read more about Professor Helen Marshall Named 2023 South Australian Scientist of the Year]

Wildlife trade threatening unprotected animals

A lizard sitting on a stick

New research from the University of Adelaide’s Invasion Science and Wildlife Ecology Group shows that three times as many unregulated species are being imported into the US compared to regulated species.

[Read more about Wildlife trade threatening unprotected animals]

Bike tech powers world record win

Cyclist on Bike

The humpback whale's incredible ability to make tight turns and spectacular leaps has inspired cutting-edge cycling technology that powered Olympic cycling champion Filippo Ganna hour world record win.

[Read more about Bike tech powers world record win]

Jailing is Failing: Rehabilitation in the Australian Prison System

A prison building

The women entering Australia’s prison system are invariably accompanied by significant histories of trauma and abuse. Some have had children forcibly removed, and many women are experiencing levels of self-harm and suicidal ideation that would be completely unacceptable if identified in the outside world.

[Read more about Jailing is Failing: Rehabilitation in the Australian Prison System]

Bots Manipulate Public Opinion Russia - Ukraine in Conflict

A severely damaged building

New research from the University of Adelaide has shown that social media bot accounts have been used in malicious campaigns to influence online discussion during the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

[Read more about Bots Manipulate Public Opinion Russia - Ukraine in Conflict]

Ocean Warming Threatens Richest Marine Biodiversity

Clownfish at home

Creatures that make their homes in tropical waters have enjoyed mostly unchanged temperatures for the past twenty thousand years. Now, new research from the University of Adelaide suggests that these extremely biodiverse areas will be hit the hardest by climate change-induced oceanic warming – and the wildlife is not ready to adapt.

[Read more about Ocean Warming Threatens Richest Marine Biodiversity]

Assembling haplotypes faster than ever with HaploMaker

a field of crops

A team from the Biometry Hub at the University of Adelaide has developed an improved algorithm for haplotype assembly that could help researchers more accurately track plant genetic variation.

[Read more about Assembling haplotypes faster than ever with HaploMaker]

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