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Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Policy

The revised Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Policy and Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Workplan were approved by the University Council on 16 October 2023, becoming effective immediately.

[Read more about Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Policy]

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

The University's Whistleblower Policy has been replaced by the Public Interest Disclosure Policy.

[Read more about Public Interest Disclosure Policy]

Free staff health and skin checks

The warmer weather is coming and now is a great time to have an annual check of your skin. Mind and body health checks are available with appointments commencing from 1 November on varying dates to early December at North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy campuses. More information.

[Read more about Free staff health and skin checks]

Managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace

All managers and supervisors have access to a free 20 minute video to learn more about the responsibilities in managing employee mental health and psychosocial hazards. Access will expire on Friday 10 November. Schedule in time in your calendar and register for access today. Register.

[Read more about Managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace]

Giving Day 2023

Giving Day

On Tuesday 31 October the University of Adelaide will hold its inaugural Giving Day. Giving Day is a 24-hour fundraising challenge where our community has fun, raises awareness and makes a gift to the cause they are most passionate about at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Giving Day 2023]

Tony McMurtrie Award for Academic Integrity nominations

Nominate yourself or a colleague for the Tony McMurtrie Practitioner Award for Academic Integrity, awarded to a staff member (academic or professional) who exemplifies academic integrity values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. Nominations close on Monday 30 October. More information

[Read more about Tony McMurtrie Award for Academic Integrity nominations]

Vice-Chancellor's message

Professor Peter Hoj

It is with shock and sadness that we have witnessed the violent events and loss of life in the Middle East. We recognise that within our community, there are individuals with strong connections to the region, and some who may have family and friends directly affected by the current conflict. The current situation will be particularly distressing for them.

[Read more about Vice-Chancellor's message]

AIEC Awards

The University of Adelaide and University of Adelaide College have jointly won the Best Training award at the Australian International Education Conference, after being nominated for the award by one of the industry’s largest agents, AECC Global.

[Read more about AIEC Awards]

Partnering for success

The newly established Integration Management Office (IMO) at 108 North Terrace is ramping up as we progress transition planning for the potential Adelaide University. The IMO is building resources and capabilities and has been bolstered by the arrival of our new Integration and Transformation Partner, Deloitte.

[Read more about Partnering for success ]

Fellows nominated for technological innovation

ATSE Fellows

Professor Bronwyn Gillanders, Professor Zaiping Guo and Professor Gus Nathan were announced as 2023 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (ATSE) Fellows, which the organisation bestows upon researchers whose work demonstrates technological innovation.

[Read more about Fellows nominated for technological innovation ]

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