Human Research Ethics Committee


The University of Adelaide Committee on the Ethics of Human Experimentation was established in accordance with a decision made by The University Council on 13 November 1981. The Committee's title was changed to Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) on 26 June 1997. In 2015, the HREC was established as a sub-committee of the University Research Committee.

The HREC's primary role is to protect the welfare and the rights of participants in research. It must ensure the effective consent of individuals and groups to participation in a research project and that any risk which may be involved is acceptable.


The composition must comply with the requirements of the National Statement (NS) on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (updated 2018), and may include additional members. 

An HREC member personally involved in a research project being reviewed by the HREC shall not take part in the decision-making process.


The HREC may invite or co-opt any person to attend or participate in any of its meetings. Such persons shall not be eligible to vote.


The HREC's primary functions are as set out below:

Contact us

Human Research Ethics team - Research Services

T: (08) 8313 6028 | E:


  • Mel Kluge