Balancing my screen time

Sometimes I don’t even realise I have been sitting on my phone for hours after a long day staring at my computer screen. Whilst I can find a reprieve in the digital world (and require significant screen time to keep up with university work), I can easily overdo it. When I find myself zonking out on my phone, I am trying to be actively aware. I try to stay aware to navigate at what point it is relaxing me and engaging me? And at what point it is restricting me from a good night’s sleep?

Using my phone without using my phone

If I am bored and struggling to put my phone down, I try using it in a way that reduces my screen time. Listening to a podcast, some music or a meditation app are some ways that really help me to get the best out of my technology. Not only that but, I find these uses can help me with my health and wellbeing. An interesting podcast not only entertains me but also teaches me something new. Whether that be a fact, an idea, or a general understanding of the experience of someone else. Similarly, listening to music keeps me off my phone whilst relaxing. A good playlist can lift my mood or comfort me when I am feeling down. Despite all the advertisements and skips I go through on Spotify, listening to music is still a great way to feel comfortable in my own little world. I also find it challenging to focus on my physical and mental wellbeing. Meditation and yoga apps are something new that I have been trying. They may seem like a bit of a gimmick but, when I keep up a good routine, I find them really helpful and beneficial.

Outside my phone

I try to use my phone in a limited way to help motivate me to do something. Searching for recipes and food presentation ideas is a great way to balance my screen time and use it for a ‘real world’ application.  

Looking for new places and things to see

I try to use my phone to look up great hikes, natural sights, or new and interesting places to see. Sometimes I never know what is just around the corner and it could be a hidden gem. Whilst I might be stuck on maps and taking photos around every corner, I find it is a good way to balance my screen time with the outdoors. Rather than purely using my phone for entertainment, I am looking for ways to explore, develop myself and share what I find.

Tagged in Student life, What messes with your head, relaxation