Busy October in Adelaide

Halloween pumpkin

Adelaide is not boring, you just have to know where to look for all the fun stuff.

When I told people that I was going to study in Adelaide, I received two common reactions – one, confusion “oh where’s that? I’ve never heard of it” and two, disdain “Adelaide? There’s nothing much to do there, right?”. I’m not surprised by their reactions because Kuala Lumpur is such a busy and large city that we just never run out of things to do but Adelaide is no different, you just have to know where to look for all the fun. So, look no further for I shall provide you with activities you can do in Adelaide this October.

Mental Health Awareness Month @ The University of Adelaide

This October, the University’s Student Health and Wellbeing team has lined up a bunch of interesting activities that focuses on mental wellbeing. They will take place all around campus so you can drop in whenever you’re feeling a little woozy after classes and need some time away from your textbooks. Here’s a little sneak peek of what’s going down:

1. Weaving and Wellness 
2. Reed diffuser making
3. Reconnect with self through Yoga
4. Herb and lavendar gardening workshop

*Check @uofastudentwellbeing on IG or the Wellbeing Hub for the full list of events and dates.

BOO-seum by the South Australian Museum

Have you had your Halloween costume sorted out yet? Why not show up as your favourite movie character and explore the museum at night? This 29th October, SAM is opening its doors to those who are brave enough to go on a guided torchlight tour of the spookies and scaries that happen past closing time. BOO-k your tickets fast if you want to join in the fun!

Candlelight Ballet

I saw the Australian Ballet perform Anna Karenina in July and could not get enough of the art. On the 21st of October, the inside of the Freemasons Hall will be decked with candle lights, an orchestra will be playing symphonies from iconic composers and in the centre of it all, a ballet performance of Swan Lake takes place making you wish that you hadn’t quit ballet after 2 classes. If you’re like me and want to revel in more of the magical ballet performances that are happening, check this one out.

Mystery Picnic with Friends

Yeah, you can grab a friend or two and head out for a picnic in the gorgeous spring weather but that’s just so… basic. Take it up a notch and turn your regular sit-down picnic into a culinary treasure hunt around the city with AmazingCo. The clues and riddles will not only take you to locations where you can collect your delectable munchies but it will also lead you to your outdoor picnic spot where you can enjoy all the delicacies that you’ve collected. What a unique way to explore Adelaide and enjoy the local produce, huh?

Those are a couple of things that I can round up for you guys at the moment. I’ll continue on with my sleuthing for interesting things to do in Adelaide but till next time, I’ll leave you with some IG accounts and blogs that I love to go through when I need to know what I can do in Adelaide:

@sitchu.adelaide, @fever_global, and Experience Adelaide.

Tagged in What messes with your head, things to do in Adelaide, mental health