The University of Adelaide initiated a system of examinations in 1887 that later became the federated body known today as the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB).
The Federal AMEB Office is based in Melbourne, Victoria, and signatories to the constitution are the Universities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Western Australia and the Ministers of Education in New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania. Each signatory is responsible for the conduct of examinations within its area/s.
The federated AMEB celebrated its centenary anniversary in 2018.

University Archives
The University Archives holds a number of records created by the Australian Music Examinations Board, and its previous incarnations, dated between 1901 – 2002. A significant set of records which provides information about students who undertook music examinations in South Australia has recently been made available online through the University Archives catalogue.
Registers of examination results – Australian Music Examinations Board, 1907 – 1996 (Series 589)
Series 589 contains registers of examination results for music examinations conducted by the Music Examinations Board, which from 1923 became the Australian Music Examinations Board. The information recorded and format changes over time but always includes candidate number, name of candidate, the name of the school or music teacher, and examination result. The way that the information is recorded and arranged affects how you search for a relevant entry, further information about changes to the type of information recorded and how it is arranged over time is available as part of the description in the archives catalogue.
Registers are arranged chronologically. Exam results from September 1923 – October 1988 were microfilmed and then the microfilm copies were digitised. Those registers that are no longer subject to access restrictions have been made available and can be found by clicking on the item link for the relevant year.
The access status of this series is Open after 60 years (except for individuals seeking their own information who may access their own information prior to 60 years). As at 2024, digitised registers between 1923 – 1962 have been made available for searching. The examination register covering 1907 – 1923 has not yet been digitised but it is a priority for the University Library’s volunteer programme to digitise the volume and once that is complete it will be loaded into the archival catalogue, meaning that eventually 1907 – 1961 will be available. It is the intention that with the passing of each year, the University Archives will load the next year that has come into the open period.
If you are looking for your own examination results but they are still under an access restriction, please be prepared to provide documentation of your identity to Archives staff. If you require a certificate to be reprinted, once a record has been retrieved, Archives staff will direct you back to the AMEB SA & NT office. More information on Certificate reprints.