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Focus farmer: Pak Yunus
Pak Yunus is a Focus Farmer (FF) in Cijeruk Bogor working with IndoDairy to achieve his business goals. See the latest update.
Highlights from the 2020 AARES conference
Nikki Dumbrell shares highlights from the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference held in Perth last week.
IndoDairy Newsletter #2
New stories from the Village Level Researchers (VLRs) and farmers in the IndoDairy Discussion Groups.
IndoDairy goes down under
The IndoDairy team travelled to Queensland, Australia to get a ‘Grass-to-Glass’ view of the dairy sector.
PhD scholarship available
Are you interested in looking at water issues in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia? We’re looking for a motivated student who wants to be part of an Australian Research Council Discovery Project starting in 2020 exploring the impacts of water recovery in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Cocoa cruising to success
GFAR’s cocoa research project in Vanuatu celebrated a major achievement this week with products entering a new high-value market.
Getting the #nextgen into international agricultural research for development
Following a presentation to high school teachers about opportunities for the next generation to fight poverty and malnutrition around the globe, Nikki Dumbrell shares her key messages in this blog.
[Read more about Getting the #nextgen into international agricultural research for development]
Update on our agribusiness-flavoured MOOC
‘Understanding Agribusiness, Value Chains and Consumers in Global Food Systems’ is an free online course developed by staff at GFAR. This week, the course won Executive Dean Award for '21st Century Learning and Teaching'!
Participation in the Second Authors Meeting of IPBES Values Assessment
In October, Sacha Amaruzaman, a PhD Candidate in the Centre for Global Food and Resources (GFAR) and Fellow in the IPBES Assessment on the Multiple Values of Nature, participated in the Second Authors Meeting of the assessment.
[Read more about Participation in the Second Authors Meeting of IPBES Values Assessment]
Reflections from two weeks of training under the ACIAR John Allwright Fellowship Executive Leadership Program
GFAR PhD candidate, Phassara Khamthara recounts her experience at the John Allwright Fellowship Executive Leadership Program workshop.