Development of a research framework to identify agrifood innovation opportunities within the South East Asian regions


The meat and livestock industry in Australia is facing significant challenges and competition from other countries when it comes to targeting Asian markets. With increasing disposable incomes and ever changing consumer dynamics South East Asia is developing into a potential hotspot for the Australian meat industry. With close physical proximity, the opportunities for the Australian meat industry in this market are significant. Indonesia is a key trading partner of Australia in the region, and a large market for the Australian meat industry, with a significant population and increasing meat consumption. Meat and Livestock Australia, an industry governing body approached The Centre for Global Food and Resources to develop an innovation architecture as the research framework to develop market based insights to innovation and growth in the red meat sector. The framework will initially be applied to Indonesia.

Project objectives

  • Develop an innovation architecture  (research framework and process) with the following attributes:
    • Research framework for developing a country profile
    • Research framework for identifying food industry and red meat market trends in a targeted market
    • Research framework and process for identifying opportunity spaces for innovation and growth in a targeted market
    • Iterative strategy process for assessing and prioritizing opportunity spaces for red meat in a targeted market
    • Iterative strategy process for identifying and assessing potential innovation pathways
  • Test the application of the innovation architecture with one MLA industry partner

Project materials

Presentation: Market insights to drive food value chain innovation & growth

Project partners

Meat and Livestock Australia, Australia


GFAR researchers involved in the project:

Tagged in Projects:Food system innovation, Completed projects