News: heavy industry
HILT CRC appoints new CEO

IMER is delighted to announce that HILT CRC has appointed Felicity Lloyd as the Chief Executive Officer.
Findings from the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report

A report written from last year’s HiTeMP-2 Forum, the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report has been released. Hear Professor Gus Nathan, Director of the Centre for Energy Technology (CET) and Deputy Director of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) , discuss the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report, download a copy of the report and/or register your interest to attend HiTeMP-3 in 2022.
[Read more about Findings from the HiTeMP-2 Outlook Report ]
Prof Gus Nathan presents Industrial Greening for Research Tuesday

The global appetite for low-carbon construction and manufacturing materials is set to skyrocket—and here in Australia we’re uniquely placed to satisfy it. Find out more by attending the University of Adelaide’s Research Tuesday lecture entitled “Industrial Greening” presented by Professor Gus Nathan on Tuesday February 9, 2021, Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace campus or via Zoom webinar.
[Read more about Prof Gus Nathan presents Industrial Greening for Research Tuesday]
HILT CRC bid is shortlisted for round 2

The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) - Modern Energy Systems and the Centre for Energy Technology are delighted to announce that the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC bid has been successfully shortlisted for round 2 of the bid process.
HiTeMP-2 videos now available

Livestream videos of the HiTeMP-2 Forum that was held in Adelaide from March 16-18, at the National Wine Centre, are now available to view. The forum brought together leading experts, from around the world, in a blended virtual and actual forum, dedicated to the transition of heavy industry to the new low-carbon economy.
Transforming the heavy industrial sector to a low carbon future

Companies are invited to partner in a new proposal to the Australian Government to form a Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre (HILT CRC) to expedite the decarbonisation of Australia’s heavy industrial processes and produce materials vital to the local and global economies at lower costs and in more sustainable ways. Prospectus now available.
[Read more about Transforming the heavy industrial sector to a low carbon future]
HiTeMP-2 Forum: Be part of the conversation to transition high temperature minerals processing to zero carbon emissions

Professor Gus Nathan, Director of the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Adelaide and Convenor of the 2020 HiTEMP-2 Forum on Zero Carbon High Temperature Minerals Processing discusses the upcoming Forum to be held at the International Wine Centre, Adelaide, March 16-18. He explains why heavy industries such as iron/steel, alumina/aluminium, cement, lime and copper are coming together to solve the issue of carbon emissions in high temperature minerals processing.