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Music and technology

Woman standing in music installation with headphones

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 8 
The Power of Music. How technology is helping us immerse, interact, and realise music's benefit?

[Read more about Music and technology]

Food and water security

Murray river aerial shot. Image credit to iStock.

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 7 
Access to food and water is set to become the next conflict horizon. So how do we secure the future of food and water for all?

[Read more about Food and water security]

Renewable energy

Wind turbines with a cloudy sky

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 6 
Cracking the code – finding new ways to power our nation and drive the manufacturing economy.

[Read more about Renewable energy]

Pregnancy and parental health

Baby feet held by hands of two adults

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 5
The gift of life. How do we build healthy habits today, to give our children the best start in life.

[Read more about Pregnancy and parental health]

Artificial Intelligence

Industry Engagement Priorities

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 4
The rise of the machines – what does it mean for us today? And how will it change the way we live tomorrow?

[Read more about Artificial Intelligence]

Professorial Lecture Series: Professor Paula Moynihan

Professor Paula Moynihan

Is sugar the demon it’s made out to be? Sugar Solutions – the Mouth and Beyond.

[Read more about Professorial Lecture Series: Professor Paula Moynihan]


Fruit and vegetables in paper bags

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 3
Forget fad diets – what should we be eating, and does this need to change as we get older?

[Read more about Nutrition]

Climate change

Dry desert scene with tree

The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 2
Climate change is here to stay. From devastating drought and bushfires, to floods and rising sea temperatures and levels - Australia is all too familiar with the extreme impacts of climate change. So what should we be doing today to live for tomorrow?

[Read more about Climate change]



The Discovery Pod | Season 1, Episode 1
Pandemic Panic - Why has COVID-19 been so devastating globally and what impact it is having on our younger generations? Is there light at the end of the tunnel and how do we create a new normal?

[Read more about COVID-19]

Introducing The Discovery Pod

The Discovery Pod

Why has COVID-19 been so devastating? Why does music make us feel things? How do we secure the future of food and water for all? We're seeking answers to these questions (and more) in our newest University podcast series - The Discovery Pod.

[Read more about Introducing The Discovery Pod]