News: mental wellbeing
Lief's msitsteps: pcereption and welblieng
If you can raed tihs setncene, you're shwoing off smoe impsresive bianrpwoer!
[Read more about Lief's msitsteps: pcereption and welblieng]
Melodies for the mind: music and mental wellbeing
Music is synonymous with what it means to be human. This blog explores how music can be a powerful mental health tool.
[Read more about Melodies for the mind: music and mental wellbeing]
A mindful break through the Noosa National Park
Attending conferences can get pretty inspiring and yet overwhelming, right?
[Read more about A mindful break through the Noosa National Park]
Why submitting my thesis feels like a mountain to climb
Embarking on my Ph.D. journey has been a remarkable and transformative experience, but as the final chapters unfold, the process of submitting my thesis unexpectedly becomes a mental battleground.
[Read more about Why submitting my thesis feels like a mountain to climb]
How I made time to breathe
Life on campus can get hectic, with classes, assignments, and social shindigs. But guess what? We've got a secret weapon to keep us cool amidst the chaos—mindful breathing. Here I talk about how some of us students are making time to breathe.
Talking to your parents about mental health

So, you want to be more honest with your parents about your mental and emotional wellbeing.
[Read more about Talking to your parents about mental health ]