News: Productivity

A wellbeing cuppa

A cup of chamomile tea

I have recently been drinking a lot of tea and I have found it helps me relax, find routine, and unwind.

[Read more about A wellbeing cuppa]

Disruption during a PhD

Woman typing on laptop

I am very lucky to have such supportive supervisors but also to have such encouraging peers amongst my cohort.

[Read more about Disruption during a PhD]

Social media shenanigans: was deleting TikTok the right choice?

I have a love/hate relationship with social media (don’t we all), but recently made the decision to delete TikTok after recognising the dependency I had on it.

[Read more about Social media shenanigans: was deleting TikTok the right choice?]

Making lists and ticking them off

I can have days when nothing happens. When I find myself in bed until midday having accomplished nothing. However, there are also days when I make lists and tick the heck out of them to get things done!

[Read more about Making lists and ticking them off]

Rediscovering tea

Hibiscus, apple, carrot, beetroot, sweet blackberry leaves, orange peel and parsley, pomegranate petals, and seeds.

I know we all say this every year, but I still can’t believe it’ll be 2021 soon. Although most of us are very much over 2020 and would like to say farewell to it, I’m still astonished to find that the end of the year is not far away now.

[Read more about Rediscovering tea]

Is the Ph.D. worth it

I feel like I am running out of time with my Ph.D. The struggle is indeed very real, but to be honest, it’s already worth it. 

[Read more about Is the Ph.D. worth it]

My mid-semester paper doesn’t exist in front of the fire

I think one of my greatest refuge places is to sit in front of a fire. I grew up in the Adelaide Hills where fireplaces and bonfires were really common, so there’s a sentimental aspect to it. Watching the flickering flames and hearing the crackling of the wood is just a really tranquil place for me. It’s a place where day to day troubles don’t exist, it’s just me and the fire I’m watching.

[Read more about My mid-semester paper doesn’t exist in front of the fire]

Self-care reminders for student-parents (aka finishing the marathon)

In a recent job letter, I wrote, ‘completed PhD while parenting three children and working part-time’. Ergo, I eat conflicting deadlines, a busy workload, and high pressure for dinner.

[Read more about Self-care reminders for student-parents (aka finishing the marathon)]

Looking back at my PhD journey so far – passing on some tips

It’s been back to campus for a lot of students this semester and there’s a renewed vibe and feeling at uni at the moment – it’s great!  It’s been so great in fact that I feel really motivated. I’m only halfway in my candidature, but since it seems like campus has re-opened, I feel like I’m at the beginning again and there’s this chance for a fresh start. I’ve also been seeing more of the other HDRs in my cohort and we have all been reflecting on our first days as a PhD student. Here are some of the things we’ve learned first-hand, but also some of the tips that’s been shared with us.

[Read more about Looking back at my PhD journey so far – passing on some tips]

The courageous HDR student

I was very fortunate to have been able to participate in a live, global event this week featuring women in science. Read on for some key strategies highlighted. 

[Read more about The courageous HDR student]

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