News: Productivity

Harnessing confidence for the thesis

I’m in the countdown phase now – not quite close enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the adrenaline is certainly pumping, and the fear and unease is palpable. This has to be over soon. I’ve finished all the empirical studies and now it’s tying it all together into the thesis.

[Read more about Harnessing confidence for the thesis]

Go with the flow

Person handing a sanitary pad to another person.

Periods and productivity – two peas in a pod.

[Read more about Go with the flow]

Having a slow day

Woman doing a yoga pose.

A morning of yoga and de-stressing. 

[Read more about Having a slow day]

Just write now

Pencils and Todolists on desk.

Some days it’s a real struggle to just start writing.

[Read more about Just write now]

Trust yourself

photo of person holding a cup, face partially obscured

Imposter syndrome. It’s a bit unpleasant because what you really need when you’re attempting a Ph.D. is belief in yourself.

[Read more about Trust yourself]

Common Ph.D. obstacles

The struggle is real, and the long, cold nights are getting to me a bit.

[Read more about Common Ph.D. obstacles]

Ready, set, write

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Going through writer’s block? Here are some of the key things I go back to when I need a writing reset.

[Read more about Ready, set, write]

Work desk essentials

Photo of a hand with a pen, writing on a pad on a desk

Shared working spaces seem to be more common on campus. It makes sense though.

[Read more about Work desk essentials]

Help, I’m procrastinating

blogpic, pixabay, stones, jar, flowers

Winter is here and for some reason, it’s so tempting to retreat into hibernation season.

[Read more about Help, I’m procrastinating]

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