Supporting a passion for agriculture

Coming to the University from Broken Hill, Farrah Preston was feeling the pressure of juggling study and work.
Things changed when she was awarded the Lower Murray Lot Feeders Honours Scholarship and the JR Barker Honours Scholarship in 2015, allowing her to dedicate all of her time to her studies and remain involved in extracurricular activities.
“These scholarships have had a significant impact on my life and mean so much to me,” says Farrah.
With the support of the scholarships, Farrah has been able to completely focus her attention on studying.
“I’ve really enjoyed being involved in various groups where I can continue to develop my skills and share what I’ve learnt with others, while helping to promote agriculture.”
Farrah says that studying at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy campus gave her the opportunity to be involved in many activities to further develop her skills, which have continued to grow her passion for Australian agriculture, especially the beef industry.
“The staff and students at Roseworthy campus are incredibly encouraging and supportive of each other, and this makes all the difference in the opportunities available to students and what we are able to achieve,” she says.
Having completed her honours project in animal science as part of a Bachelor of Science, Farrah is keen to pursue a career in applied livestock production research to help solve problems challenging the industry. Through her work she hopes to contribute to developing and strengthening the beef industry, and assisting producers, processors and other stakeholders.
“Thanks to the scholarships I was able to dedicate a lot of time to my work and achieve some great results,” says Farrah.
She has now commenced a PhD in the same area and was lucky enough to receive an Australian Postgraduate Award scholarship to help undertake it.
"Honours was an incredible year for me and I don’t think I would have been able to achieve what I did without receiving these scholarships,” Farrah says.
“The scholarships have ensured I am in an excellent position for the next three years in my PhD which will ultimately help me reach my career goals. I’m very grateful to the donors of these scholarships who made a huge difference in my life last year and will continue to do so into the future,” says Farrah.
You can make a gift to the Augustus Short Scholarship Appeal to support students like Farrah.