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Building research networks with John Allwright Fellows

ACIAR JAF Fellows group photo with Prof Wendy Umberger, the ACIAR CEO

Vyta Hanifah, a first-year Ph.D. student at GFAR, recently visited Canberra (23-26 October 2023) as the recipient of the John Allwright Fellowship (JAF).

[Read more about Building research networks with John Allwright Fellows]

Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative Phase 2 - PARDI 2

Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative Phase 2 - PARDI 2

PARDI 2 is funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and has a geographical focus on Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga (with extension to Kiribati, Samoa and Solomon Islands).

[Read more about Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative Phase 2 - PARDI 2]

Philippines Smallholder Dairy: Landscape Analysis and Research Priorities

Phillipines Dairy SRA

Developing the domestic dairy industry is seen as a priority for the Philippines Government. A request to the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) by the Philippines Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) initiated the development of this Small Research Activity (SRA) proposal to undertake a scoping exercise and landscape analysis of the dairy industry.

[Read more about Philippines Smallholder Dairy: Landscape Analysis and Research Priorities ]

Building the evidence base on the impacts of mobile financial services for women & men in farming households in Laos & Cambodia

Mobile money at the market

While great claims are made about mobile finance as a critical enabling factor for agricultural development, little is known about how it affects the livelihoods and well-being of women and men in farming households. This project aims to develop an evidence base on the economic and social impacts of mobile financial services for women and men in farming households with a particular focus on Laos and Cambodia.

[Read more about Building the evidence base on the impacts of mobile financial services for women & men in farming households in Laos & Cambodia]

Enhancing private sector-led development of the canarium industry in PNG Phase 1


This project focuses on expanding markets and processing of canarium products by the private sector, linking with other TADEP Projects, and collaborating with government and non-government agencies.

[Read more about Enhancing private sector-led development of the canarium industry in PNG Phase 1]

A strategic approach to pro-poor market and consumer research in China and the Mekong region

Lao cai

This research is now being conducted in a project "The Vietnam urban food consumption & expenditure study".

[Read more about A strategic approach to pro-poor market and consumer research in China and the Mekong region]

Enhancing value added products and environmental benefits from agroforestry systems in the Pacific


This project will explore opportunities for new value-added agroforestry products to improve livelihoods in PNG, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands.

[Read more about Enhancing value added products and environmental benefits from agroforestry systems in the Pacific]

Highlights from the DiFF project workshop in Luang Prabang, Laos

Project team visiting farm in Xienglom village, Luang Prabang

The DiFF project (Digital Finance and Farming)  held a workshop in Luang Prabang, Laos from 23 -27 January 2023. The workshop was a critical step for the project team to meet and discuss the project objectives, concepts, research questions and research planning for the next five years. 

[Read more about Highlights from the DiFF project workshop in Luang Prabang, Laos]

Mixing trade with agricultural economics: How Angus is diving deeply into sustainable agriculture to solve issues of the future

Angus Crouch

Having grown up on a farming property, Angus Crouch wanted to get involved. Beginning a Master of Global Food and Agribusiness has provided the opportunity to deep dive into sustainable agriculture.

[Read more about Mixing trade with agricultural economics: How Angus is diving deeply into sustainable agriculture to solve issues of the future]

How Jingyi is using her passion for food to help shape a more sustainable food future

Jen Huang

Coming from a Horticultural Science background with global Agribusiness exchange experiences, Jenn has always had a great passion on food and wanted to be part of the sustainable food future.

[Read more about How Jingyi is using her passion for food to help shape a more sustainable food future]