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Our fuel for the future? Breaking down green hydrogen

Professor Greg Metha

EP07, with Professor Greg Metha.

[Read more about Our fuel for the future? Breaking down green hydrogen]

The computer will see you now. Can AI fill the gaps in our mental health care system?

News Story Episode 6 The Discovery Pod

EP06, with Associate Professor Carolyn Semmler.

[Read more about The computer will see you now. Can AI fill the gaps in our mental health care system?]

Wildlife trade threatening unprotected animals

A lizard sitting on a stick

New research from the University of Adelaide’s Invasion Science and Wildlife Ecology Group shows that three times as many unregulated species are being imported into the US compared to regulated species.

[Read more about Wildlife trade threatening unprotected animals]

The business of innovation. What does it take to bring big ideas to market?

Stephen Rodda News Story

EP05, with Dr Stephen Rodda.

[Read more about The business of innovation. What does it take to bring big ideas to market?]

Is blue carbon the answer to lowering emissions? The science of sinking carbon

Mangroves for Dr Alice Jones News Story

EP04, with Dr Alice Jones.

[Read more about Is blue carbon the answer to lowering emissions? The science of sinking carbon]

Dogs saving lives with a sniff. How can we decode disease with scent?

Dog sitting on the grass

EP03, with Dr Anne-Lise Chaber.

[Read more about Dogs saving lives with a sniff. How can we decode disease with scent?]

Biomimicry: Engineering innovations inspired by nature

Landscape and a large flock of birds gathering at dusk

EP02, with Doctor Noune Melkoumian.

[Read more about Biomimicry: Engineering innovations inspired by nature]

Growing our way out of the climate crisis

Living wall of plants

EP01, with Professor Rachel Burton.

[Read more about Growing our way out of the climate crisis]

Bike tech powers world record win

Cyclist on Bike

The humpback whale's incredible ability to make tight turns and spectacular leaps has inspired cutting-edge cycling technology that powered Olympic cycling champion Filippo Ganna hour world record win.

[Read more about Bike tech powers world record win]

New Weapons in the Battle Against Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

A field

The Soares da Costa team from the University of Adelaide’s Waite Research Institute has developed new herbicidal compounds that will stop resistant weeds in their tracks.

[Read more about New Weapons in the Battle Against Herbicide-Resistant Weeds]

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