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Planning, Development and Review final review due

A reminder that the Planning, Development and Review final review conversation records need to be submitted in SSO by Friday 20 December 2024. This is an important time to reflect on and celebrate work achievements and share constructive two-way feedback. More information.

[Read more about Planning, Development and Review final review due]

Entertain fringe benefits tax free

Corporate entertaining in Taikunthi or by Taikunthi is fringe benefits tax-free. Both food and beverages are exempt from fringe benefits tax if you engage Taikunthi to cater for a University event in one of the four new function rooms in Union House, or host a business lunch or dinner in the Level 5 restaurant. Save on catering costs in 2025 by booking your next event in Union House. More information.

[Read more about Entertain fringe benefits tax free]

Infrastructure support during the Christmas closure

The Infrastructure Support Desk will be closed from 2 pm Monday 23 December 2024 until Thursday 2 January 2025. Emergency maintenance requests during this time can be lodged with Security on 8313 5990. The Access Control Office and Bookings & Events Office will be closed from 2 pm on Monday 23 December 2024 until Monday 13 January 2025. Please submit building access and booking requests needed during the closure period by Thursday 19 December 2024. Security will not provide building access unless in a critical emergency. More information.

[Read more about Infrastructure support during the Christmas closure]

Early closure of Taikunthi

Taikunthi bar and restaurant on level 5 of Union House will be closed at 3 pm on Tuesday 10 December for a private event, rather than the usual 5 pm. The restaurant is open from 8 am weekdays for coffee and is ideal for a breakfast meeting, entertaining guests, or an afternoon beverage. More information.

[Read more about Early closure of Taikunthi]

Vice-Chancellor's message

Professor Peter Hoj

The annual University Awards for Outstanding Achievement are a highlight of the University calendar: it’s an opportunity for us to get together to shine a light on our achievements, and celebrate the absolute excellence we have within our own University of Adelaide community. Each nominee this year has made a demonstrable contribution in support of research, teaching or community engagement, and done so while embracing and exemplifying our University values of Integrity, Respect, Collegiality, Excellence and Discovery.

[Read more about Vice-Chancellor's message]

International recognition for Highly Cited Researchers

More than 20 University of Adelaide researchers have been recognised for their outstanding work in the Clarivate annual global list of Highly Cited Researchers (HCR). The HCR list is primarily based on citation activity, with successful academics authoring multiple highly cited papers which rank in the top 1 per cent by references for their fields. Read more.

[Read more about International recognition for Highly Cited Researchers]

Chris Powell Medal

Darwinaji Subarkah (School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences) was awarded the Chris Powell Medal by the Geological Society of Australia (Tectonics and Structural Geology Group). The medal is awarded every two years for an outstanding research paper arising from postgraduate research on some aspect of structural geology or tectonics.

[Read more about Chris Powell Medal ]

Minor changes to recruitment justification e-form

Minor changes have been made to the University of Adelaide Recruitment Justification E-Form that are effective as of today. The changes aim to provide clearer explanation of required information for the form and consolidate information requested where possible. There are several new fields that have been introduced to support information needed for compliance requirements. More information.

[Read more about Minor changes to recruitment justification e-form ]

Virtual all-staff Town Hall

We will be holding an additional online all staff town hall on Friday 6 December, 12.301.30 pm. This session will provide a further opportunity for all staff to ask questions about the Staff Transition Framework for Adelaide University.

[Read more about Virtual all-staff Town Hall ]

Waite campus wine sale

The Waite campus wine sale will be held on Wednesday 4 December with sales available for collection at the winery. Visit the website.

[Read more about Waite campus wine sale]