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Some things I liked this month

Headphones playing music from a phone.

Do you ever feel like we move on from things too quickly?

[Read more about Some things I liked this month]

Missing family who lives overseas

Distance can sometimes be a bittersweet reminder of the deep bonds that tie us to our loved ones.

[Read more about Missing family who lives overseas]

On being excluded

A group of Lego people figurines.

Often, anxiety can manifest into feeling left out of a group.

[Read more about On being excluded]

Seeking shelter from the rain 

A person holding an umbrella in the rain.

Places I like to go to when it’s raining. 

[Read more about Seeking shelter from the rain ]

An early hour

City at night.

Illuminate Adelaide, FIFA Fan Fest, and a string quartet.

[Read more about An early hour]

Escaping with audiobooks

A young woman with dark hair wearing light pink headphones and a striped white and pink shirt on a deep pink background

As Book Week comes around, I would like to break the stigma surrounding audiobooks.

[Read more about Escaping with audiobooks]

Books I’ve read in 2023

Bookshelf filled with books.

So far.

[Read more about Books I’ve read in 2023]

Book Week, SALA, and National Science Week

So much happening in Adelaide in August!

[Read more about Book Week, SALA, and National Science Week]

Why you should take a microholiday


Treat yourself.

[Read more about Why you should take a microholiday]

Financial tips for students

Miniature person sitting on large coins.

Ways to survive this cost-of-living crisis.

[Read more about Financial tips for students]