News: News

New PhD students and visitors at GFAR

students and visitors

We have welcomed new PhD students and visitors at GFAR this semester. In this blog, they have each shared some information on their backgrounds and what they are looking forward to while they are here.

[Read more about New PhD students and visitors at GFAR]

Master of Agribusiness, Graduate Story - Giancarlo Cassinelli

Giancarlo Cassinelli

Giancarlo Cassinelli: ‘The Master of Agribusiness' program at The University of Adelaide was a great mix for me, it allowed me to develop skills that will be of tremendous help for my career and future endeavours.

[Read more about Master of Agribusiness, Graduate Story - Giancarlo Cassinelli]

‘If someone wants to take more, someone else has to take less’ – New Perspectives on Sharing Water

GWP 2019

Prof. Young hopes that this water sharing paper will inspire a new dialogue and start a search for robust water-sharing arrangements that will withstand the test of time. In some areas, a few policy tweaks may be all that is necessary. In other areas, a major rethink may be necessary.

[Read more about ‘If someone wants to take more, someone else has to take less’ – New Perspectives on Sharing Water]

Reflections from the 2019 Crawford Fund Conference

CGFAR at Crawford Fund Conference 2019. From left to right: Prof. Sarah Wheeler, Prof. Wendy Umberger, Duc Nguyen, Jack Hetherington, and Rohan Yargop

GFAR PhD student Anh Duc Nguyen was chosen as a scholar to attend the recently held 2019 Crawford Conference in Canberra. Duc reflects on his experience in this blog.

[Read more about Reflections from the 2019 Crawford Fund Conference ]

CGFAR students participate in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Conference

CGFAR Students at IFAMA 2019

Four of our post graduate students recently participated in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association conference held in China. Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business student Claire Adams talks about her experience of participating in the conference in this blog.

[Read more about CGFAR students participate in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Conference]

CGFAR researcher elected chair of National Landcare Network (NLN)


Congratulations to Associate Professor Patrick O’Connor for being elected as Chair of the National Landcare Network (NLN).  NLN is the representative body for Landcare groups across Australia and works to provide national representation for Landcare and other community groups working to protect Australia’s lands and waters. 

[Read more about CGFAR researcher elected chair of National Landcare Network (NLN)]

Fieldwork stories from South Sumatra

Indogreen project 2

Sacha Amaruzaman, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Global Food and Resources (CGFAR) shares latest updates about his research field work in South Sumatra, Indonesia.

[Read more about Fieldwork stories from South Sumatra]

Is Hydrogen the next future fuel?

Future Fuels CRC

A new report authored by researchers from The Centre for Global Food and Resources (CGFAR) and The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) explores rapid advances globally in the development of hydrogen as a future source of energy.

[Read more about Is Hydrogen the next future fuel?]

Understanding and mitigating risks in pacific agribusinesses – student internship experience

Visit to papaya farm

During my Internship I was able to develop many new skills and it opened new career pathways. This Internship has given me more knowledge, work experience, information, confidence and connection within a broader network which are very important for my future career development. This experience complements my studies in Global Food and Agricultural Business at CGFAR, University of Adelaide.  

[Read more about Understanding and mitigating risks in pacific agribusinesses – student internship experience]

IndoDairy Extension and Indo Livestock Expo

Indo Livestock Expo

In this blog Jack Hetherington talks about extension activities of the IndoDairy project and participation in the recently held Indo Livestock Expo in Indonesia.

[Read more about IndoDairy Extension and Indo Livestock Expo ]

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