LEI Showcase Sessions

LEI Sessions

These bi-monthly sessions are to showcase what’s new in learning and teaching and other Learning Enhancement and Innovation unit activities.

  • Session 1


    Colleen Ortega, Manager, Learning Enhancement
    The Learning Enhancement & Innovation unit at a glance

    Meet the Learning Enhancement Innovation unit. In this presentation, we will explain the services and activities carried out by LEI, as well as our objectives as a unit.

    Kym Schutz, Educational Technologist
    Scenario-Based Learning tool in H5P

    This presentation is about using the Scenario-Based Learning tool in H5P. This authoring tool allows you to build visual scenarios that can be used for teaching but could also be used by a student as an assignment submission. The University of Adelaide is currently piloting H5P in MyUni courses. In our presentation we will show some examples of what these look like and how easy they are to build. There are examples available at H5P.

    Marcel Lavrencic, Manager, Learning Analytics
    Student Insights Pilot

    The Learning Analytics Team is developing a student-centred and user-friendly dashboard to enable students to acquire a better understanding of their progress in a course. In this presentation, we will showcase the pilot dashboard and explain our student-centric design process.

    Thomas Crichton, Support and Student Partnerships Lead
    Students as Partners

    The Learning Enhancement and Innovation unit are committed to involving students as partners in all of our projects and activities. In this presentation we will explain how our student partnership processes work to ensure that we always have a student-centric approach to learning and teaching activities and meet the needs of current learners.


    Speaker slides

  • Session 2


    Andrew Beatton, Sash Kertes and Bonny Rugless, Learning Designers
    Visualise your Thesis: supporting student digital capability development

    Our Learning Designers get together to talk about the support created for students who entered the ‘Visualise your thesis’ competition. Hear about the student support that was developed, the feedback received, future plans, and opportunities to get involved.

    Alex Fimeri, Manager, Media Production
    Approaching inclusive design in media production

    University is a personal journey full of challenges but engaging in the digital learning space shouldn’t be one of them. Hear what work LEI has been doing in this space in collaboration with Disability Support, our future roadmap, and opportunities to get involved. 

    James Donovan, Video Production Technician
    Media Production Services

    James will introduce you to the services that the LEI Media Production teams have to offer around video and resource development. See some examples of some past work and learn more about our self-service studio and editing facilities.

  • Session 3


    Tim Klapdor, Manager, Online Learning Design & Content
    What’s next for Online Programs

     2019 has seen the launch of the first fully online post-graduate programs at the University of Adelaide. The Graduate Diploma in Data Science and Graduate Diploma in Psychology are now up and running with students, and this is just the beginning! 2020 will see the launch of a range of new courses and programs and you can be part of the process. Find out what is unique about the online programs and some of the opportunities that it offers disciplines across the university as we usher in a new way to teach and learn at the university.   

    Marcel Lavrencic, Manager Learning Analytics
    Student Insights Project outcomes and next steps

    For learners and teachers alike, it can be extremely useful to have a visual overview of their activities with learning systems and how they relate to those of their peers or other actors in the learning experience. The aim of the project is to deliver a student-centred, user-friendly dashboard to enable students to acquire a better understanding of their progression in courses they are enrolled in. Also by providing real time or as close to real time information, students are able to reflect and develop positive learning and engagement strategies and encourage lifelong learning. The development process for project outcomes are centred on design by students, for students.

    This presentation will outline the process leading to and highlighting findings from the semester 2, 2019 pilot in 10 first year courses.

    Mark Wittervan

    Learning technology highlights of the year and the roadmap ahead

    We’ll share this year’s highlights and provide a glimpse of the 2020 learning technology roadmap and MyUni feature enhancements. Find out how you can get involved and stay ‘in the know’.