Managing the Induction Process
Ensuring that our newest colleagues have a positive induction experience is an essential role played by our People Leaders.

At the University of Adelaide, our goal is for all new members of our University community to feel welcomed, to have confidence and clarity in their role, and a sense of pride in working at the University.
An effective Induction experience ensures that a new team member feels welcomed, has a positive introduction to the University and their work area, ensures they have the support they need to perform at their best, and enables them to become effective in their role as quickly as possible.
Our objective is to harness the unique contributions of every new team member for a stronger university community and culture.
Read more about Induction at the University of Adelaide in the Induction Framework.
Your Role
As a People Leader or Induction Coordinator, you play a crucial role in shaping a new starter’s experience of the University and enabling a smooth transition.
People Leader
With the support of the Induction Coordinator and HR team, you will direct the induction processes and help your new staff member to integrate into their role, work area and the University.
Induction Coordinator
In some instances, a people leader may identify someone in their team or local area to support on some tasks associated with induction. Induction Coordinators play an essential role in ensuring a smooth transition and positive experience for the new starter. Induction coordinators often perform several critical tasks that enable an effective induction experience.
Induction documents and support resources
The resources on this page have been developed to support you as a People Leader or Induction Coordinator in effectively managing the induction process. There are a range of general resources relevant to induction across the Staff Induction website. If you have questions or require additional advice, please contact the relevant HR team
Please select the appropriate tab for the type of staff member you are inducting and review the other useful resources.
Do you have feedback about any of these resources? These documents are regularly updated. We’d love to hear from you about how these documents could better meet your needs. Click on “Induction feedback” below.
- New Starter
- Existing staff transfer
- Executive and Senior Leaders
- Casual staff
- Other useful resources
Executive and Senior Leaders are those on senior manager or executive staff contracts and who are in senior or executive leadership roles e.g. Executive Deans, Heads of School, Executive Directors, Pro Vice-Chancellors and equivalent.
Executive and Senior Leader Induction process:
Resources you will need:
Induction Checklist
Induction Agenda
The below resources have also been developed to support People Leaders and Induction Coordinators through the induction process:
Induction Checklists – to support People Leaders and Induction Coordinators
Induction checklists have been created to support people leaders and induction coordinators in understanding what needs to be done as part of the induction process. It includes a range of links and tips to help guide you through the process. There may be additional elements you will need to consider in your local area (for example, some labs require separate access or training requests).
Induction Agendas – to support new starters
Induction agendas are aligned to the Induction checklists but designed for our new starters. People Leaders and Induction Coordinators complete the agenda template with the relevant information and provide the agenda to new starters on their first day. It includes a range of useful links and should serve to support new starters in navigating their first days in their new roles.
Ways of working
Induction is also a great time to reflect on your team’s ways of working as you prepare to bring a new colleague into your team’s culture. You may like to reflect on the content about building your team culture on the Manager's Induction website. Manager's Induction website and the Our People Deck and Our Team Deck in the ‘Other useful resources’ tab above.