NURSING 7128 - Emergency Nursing II
North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2018
General Course Information
Course Details
Course Code NURSING 7128 Course Emergency Nursing II Coordinating Unit Adelaide Nursing School Term Semester 2 Level Postgraduate Coursework Location/s North Terrace Campus Units 3 Contact 2 hours per week Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N Prerequisites NURSING 7149 Restrictions Available to MNSc and GradDipMNSc students only Assessment Case study, examination Course Staff
Course Coordinator: Mr Iain Everett
Course Timetable
The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.
Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
1 Analyse and plan nursing practice specific to the emergency department environment in relation to specific disorders. 2 Design implement and appraise assessments appropriate for emergency department patient presentations across the age span 3 Actively, assertively implement and/or coordinate appropriate advanced emergency assessment and emergency care as a member and/or leader of the multidisciplinary care team 4 Identify and articulate the clinical concepts that make emergency nursing unique 5 Evaluate care with consideration given to revision of the care plan in response to the observed or measured alterations in the patient’s physiological/ psychological/ emotional status 6 Identify and integrate information from current evidence based guidelines and consensus statements in order to ensure the delivery of advanced emergency nursing care 7 Select and perform with confidence and competence the necessary clinical skills required for specific emergency patient presentations or emergency situations. 8 Appraise, select and utilise health care and information technologies to ensure the delivery of advanced emergency assessment, emergency care delivery and communication throughout the health care setting. 9 Evaluate the current clinical issues in emergency nursing and consider the implications for the local, national and international context University Graduate Attributes
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:
University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s) Deep discipline knowledge
- informed and infused by cutting edge research, scaffolded throughout their program of studies
- acquired from personal interaction with research active educators, from year 1
- accredited or validated against national or international standards (for relevant programs)
4, 5 ,6 ,7 & 8 Critical thinking and problem solving
- steeped in research methods and rigor
- based on empirical evidence and the scientific approach to knowledge development
- demonstrated through appropriate and relevant assessment
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 Teamwork and communication skills
- developed from, with, and via the SGDE
- honed through assessment and practice throughout the program of studies
- encouraged and valued in all aspects of learning
3, 4, 5 & 8 Career and leadership readiness
- technology savvy
- professional and, where relevant, fully accredited
- forward thinking and well informed
- tested and validated by work based experiences
2, 3, 5, 6 & 8 Intercultural and ethical competency
- adept at operating in other cultures
- comfortable with different nationalities and social contexts
- able to determine and contribute to desirable social outcomes
- demonstrated by study abroad or with an understanding of indigenous knowledges
2, 3, 7 & 8 Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
- a capacity for self-reflection and a willingness to engage in self-appraisal
- open to objective and constructive feedback from supervisors and peers
- able to negotiate difficult social situations, defuse conflict and engage positively in purposeful debate
3, 4, 5 & 8 -
Learning Resources
Required Resources
This course will require the following texts and other resources:
Bryant, B & Knight, K, 2011 Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 3rd edition Elsevier, Sydney
Curtis, K, & Ramsden, C 2016, Emergency and trauma care for nurses and paramedics, Mosby/Elsevier, Sydney.
Marieb, EN & Hoehn, K 2016, Human anatomy and physiology, 10th edn, Pearson International/Benjamin Cummings, US.
Talley, NJ & O’Connor, S 2018, Clinical examination: a systematic guide to physical diagnosis, 8th edn, Churchill/Livingstone, Elsevier, Sydney.
Proehl, JA (ed.) 2009, Emergency nursing procedures, 4th edn, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia
There are copies of most books on reserve in the library,
Recommended Resources
McQuillan, KA, RL, Flynn-Makic, MB & Whalen, E 2009, Trauma nursing from resuscitation through rehabilitation, 4th edn, Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia.
Cameron, P, Jelinek, G, Kelly, AM, Murray, L & Brown A, J 2009, Textbook of adult emergency medicine, 3rd edn, Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh.
Stone, CK & Humphries, RL 2011, Current emergency diagnosis and treatment, 7th edn, McGraw Hill, New York.
Anatomy and Physiology texts
Guyton, A & Hall, J 2010, Textbook of medical physiology, 12th edn, Elsevier/Saunders, Philadelphia
Note: You are not required to buy recommended texts. However, they provide valuable supplementary reading on various aspects of the material covered within this course and you are encouraged to have a look at them.Online Learning
All students enrolled in a postgraduate coursework nursing program have access to the School of Nursing – Postgraduate Coursework Student Centre on MyUni. If you would like the opportunity to network with other students, you can use the Communication features in the site. This site will also feature information about the latest news and events at the School of Nursing.
UNIFIED is your one-stop shop for email, calendar, MyUni and Access Adelaide. It even allows you to search the Library.
UNIFIED is available to all active students; with a single login you can access your student systems and personal information through a central website. Login with your Student ID ("a1234567") and Password.
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Library Resources
Help for Nursing Students
The University of Adelaide Library has a website to help nursing students use the library and its resource (
Remote student library service
The University of Adelaide Library provides a document delivery and loans service to non-metropolitan students who do not visit a University of Adelaide campus to attend classes (
Please note, you will be required to submit most assignments unless specified otherwise via TURNITIN, however as a student you can also use TURNITIN to support your learning with regard to academic writing and referencing. -
Learning & Teaching Activities
Learning & Teaching Modes
This course will be presented as a series of weekly two hour sessions – each Thursday of semester II from 0800 – 1030. The sessions will be presented as a blend of lectures, tutorials and practical activities that relate to the weekly topics.
A significant number of nursing and other health care experts will present sessions throughout this course.Workload
The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.
Lectures/ Tutorials
The student is expected to attend Course lectures every Wednesday morning from 8:00 am to 1030 on the University of Adelaide AHMS Campus, North Terrace.
Student participation and discussion will be expected in all sessions.
A reading list has been compiled for this course and will be made available through MyUni. Lecture and readings have been carefully chosen. All of these are required and have been selected to optimise your knowledge on the topic and so that they will continue to be of use after you graduate.
Clinical Practice and Skills Acquisition
This course supplements theoretical knowledge with field based learning. Students are required to complete clinical skills and work a minimum of 300 clinical hours in the emergency department during this semester
It is expected that you will need to invest about 12 hours per week of study to successfully complete this course. This includes study activities, attendance at lectures readings and assessment. Thus some weeks it will be more and others less. It is recommended that you plan your time commitment to the course at the beginning of the semester.Learning Activities Summary
This course will cover the practical issues that face emergency nurses on a daily basis. Content will expand upon Emergency Nursing I, however the emphasis will shift from patient assessment to psychomotor skills. (Note that patient assessment will continue to be important within this course.)
This course will take a uniform approach to the teaching of the handling of specific emergency presentations.
The course content will include the following:
Students will be expected to be prepared to read widely, take new knowledge to the clinical area and critique their clinical practice and suggest alternative approaches to the emergency patient presentation. Emergency Nursing Care II will assist you to focus on the application of this knowledge in your emergency nursing practice.
Triage will be discussed throughout the course; however a specific topic focussing on triage will be presented in the final weeks of the course. Specifically, the unit content addresses:
signs symptoms and presenting complaints
how to formulate a history of the problem and the compilation of a past medical history
examining patients using the skills of inspection, and palpation, auscultation and percussion (where appropriate)
planning appropriate care, and evaluating expected outcomes
assessment, care and evaluation of treatment: of children with emergency presentations, people with psychiatric emergencies, and psychological crises
skill acquisition for: suturing and orthopaedics and triage assessment and priority setting.
understand the process of triage and be able to prioritise care
Content covered
This course considers the pathophysiology of patient conditions requiring emergency care, as well as assessment, and treatment. For each topic discussed consideration will be given to variances in aetiology, mechanism of injury, pathophysiology, assessment and management of older people and children.
Signs Symptoms and Presenting Complaints
The transition from knowledge of pathology and mechanisms of injury, to how the patient presents, and what signs and symptoms they have; will contribute a major portion of this course. It will be a natural progression to move from knowledge of the processes that cause morbidity to an understanding of the signs and symptoms that occur concurrently with that disorder. Without this intermediate step the emergency RN will be unable to make the necessary step to a comprehensive assessment, imperative to sound nursing care in the emergency area. Students will be expected to understand why patients have the signs and symptoms they do, and their significance.
Current Issues, Trends and Research in Emergency Nursing
Every endeavour will be made to present material that reflects current knowledge. In addition reference will be made to current research in topics that are being addressed. The overall aim will be to provide knowledge on what is currently believed to be best clinical practice in the international world of emergency nursing care.
Specifically topics considered will be:
1. Trauma epidimiology and Mechanisms of injury
2. Thoracic Trauma
3. Abdominal Trauma
4. Non-traumatic abdominal emergencies
5. Orthopaedic Injuries
6. Spinal Injuries
7. Neurological Trauma
8. Non traumatic neurological emergencies
9. Burns
10. Electrolyte disturbances and emergency presentation/ management
11. Endocrine & Environmental emergencies
12. Renal & Genitourinary emergencies
13. Vascular emergencies
14. Poisoning - Toxicological emergencies
15. Envenomation
16. Haematology Emergencies
17. Infectious Disorders
18. Eyes, ENT, Dental emergencies
19. Triage theorySmall Group Discovery Experience
It is our endeavour to have Small Group Discovery (SGDE) experiences for many of our tutorial based exercises during our face to face
time with students.
Groups will be allocated to work together on clinical scenarios and problems that will be explored for solutions/actions that reflect evidence based care, professional team work and best practice.
The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:
- Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
- Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
- Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
- Assessment must maintain academic standards.
Assessment Summary
Assessment Task Assessment Type Weighting Learning Outcome(s) being addressed Assessment 1 part 1. Case study rationale, plan and search strategy Formative 0% Pass/fail 4-7 Assessment 1 part 2. Case study paper Summative 50% 1, 4, 6, 9 Assessment 2 Exam Summative 50% 1-6 Course skills book/checklist Summative Non-graded pass/fail 1-3, 7-8 Assessment Detail
Students will be required to pass all summative components of the course in order to be assessed as having passed. Specific clinical skills associated with this course are identified in the clinical skills record.
Assessment 1:
The student will present a clinical patient scenario related to one of the topics covered in the course content. The aim is critically analyse and critique the assessment and care provided throughout the patients stay in the emergency department. The clinical case may be an example of inadequate assessment or care or an example of excellent assessment and care.
Assessment 1 Part 1: Case Study Rationale, essay plan, literature search strategy and provisional reference list
A brief outline of the intended topic of discussion and rationale for the topic selection will be provided. A literature search strategy will be described and the preliminary outcomes of the search will be summarised.
Assessment 1 Part 2: Case study
The case study should summarise the nursing and medical treatment the patient received and then critiqued in light of the knowledge gained from the reading undertaken.
Assessment 2: Written examination
Students will be expected to be able to analyse patient situations.
The examination will be 2 hours and 10 minutes in duration.
Theory and clinical knowledge taught in Emergency Nursing Care II will be examined,
Assessment 3 – Clinical Skills Record
This assessment will be continual throughout the semester and will depend upon students seeking out clinicians to assess the skills that have been set for them to attain. Thus, suitably experienced colleagues who are clinical titleholders will assess students. A series of skills associated with this course are identified within the skills record, a number of them are considered essential for emergency nurses and therefore must be successfully completed prior to completion of the course.Submission
Assessments, unless otherwise stated in your Study guide, are to be submitted electronically via Assignments in MyUni via 'Turn IT IN' on the due date identified in this Study guide. Instructions for assignment submission are available for all students under Tutorials at
An assessment submitted via MyUni must be submitted as a .doc, .docx or .rtf file. If submitting a PowerPoint presentation for marking, the .ppt or .pptx must be submitted as .pdf file. It is also important to submit your file under your name, such as surname.firstname. MyUni stamps all the other details against your filename once you submit your assessment.
The Plagiarism Statement must be signed and dated for your assessment to be marked (please note the details stated on the Assignment Coversheet). More information on avoiding Plagiarism is available at Grading
Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:
M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme) Grade Mark Description FNS Fail No Submission F 1-49 Fail P 50-64 Pass C 65-74 Credit D 75-84 Distinction HD 85-100 High Distinction CN Continuing NFE No Formal Examination RP Result Pending Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.
Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.
Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.
Student Feedback
The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.
SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.
Overall the SELT's for this course were encouraging and positive. See the comments below.
Good relevant content for the specialty area
Variety of learning experiences. Excellent.
This course has had work relatable content. Its our bread and butter that we do every day.
There were some aspects of the course that intiated comments regarding areas of imnprovement. Responses to these are noted below.
More practical sessions to get better at plastering and suturing as it's hard to get time at work to revise these skills. To be expected to preform such tasks after one practical session at uni is a bit unrealistic especially if there's no opportunity at work to practice such skills again. And then having to be examined on them after one practical session is a bit of pressure!
Students are suposed to practice these skills in their Clinical setting with their facilitators over the course of the semester. The workshop is an introductory session only. The practical exam does include some of the skills but not with the same detail due to time constraints. Certain aspects of that skill may be assessed.
Having assignments for both classes due at the same time.
This was one students comment. Most other students did not find this a problem. Another consideration is to have submission of written work in before the written exam - open book, long answer exam.
Better timetable would allow people to attend more classes, Difficult to attend afternoon class if working afternoon or night shift.
It is problematic and difficult to find the right time for students who are working shift work all over the metropolitan area as well as some country students. This was the best compromise for students but there could be a possiblity to hold the lectures after 1700 but this would preclude all students on late shifts. with the current time slot most students can make it most of the time.
It would have been nice to have some more information on how to look after abdo and head injury stuff besides what we already do ie how to palpate an abdomen and know what you are looking for.
This is a very good suggestion. In the possible redesign of this course amalgamating both ENII and ENIII into one 6 unit course physical assessment can become a higher priority with some practical sessions included.
Student Support
- Academic Integrity for Students
- Academic Support with Maths
- Academic Support with writing and study skills
- Careers Services
- International Student Support
- Library Services for Students
- LinkedIn Learning
- Student Life Counselling Support - Personal counselling for issues affecting study
- Students with a Disability - Alternative academic arrangements
- YouX Student Care - Advocacy, confidential counselling, welfare support and advice
Policies & Guidelines
This section contains links to relevant assessment-related policies and guidelines - all university policies.
- Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy
- Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy
- Copyright Compliance Policy
- Coursework Academic Programs Policy
- Elder Conservatorium of Music Noise Management Plan
- Intellectual Property Policy
- IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy
- Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy
- Reasonable Adjustments to Learning, Teaching & Assessment for Students with a Disability Policy
- Student Experience of Learning and Teaching Policy
- Student Grievance Resolution Process
Fraud Awareness
Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.
The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.