ARCH 7043 - Final Architecture Project (M)
North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2021
General Course Information
Course Details
Course Code ARCH 7043 Course Final Architecture Project (M) Coordinating Unit School of Architecture and Built Environment Term Semester 2 Level Postgraduate Coursework Location/s North Terrace Campus Units 12 Contact Up to 12 hours per week Available for Study Abroad and Exchange Y Prerequisites ARCH 7042 Restrictions Available to M.Arch (Cswk) students only Assessment 70% - Design Project; 30% - Theoretical Exegesis. This may be in the form of an illustrated written report, or an audio visual presentation. Course Staff
Course Coordinator: Dr Urs Bette
We are offering 8 different studio topics this year, allowing you to choose a studio that best fits your interests. These studios will be introduced via zoom presentation, and a voting sheet be made available through the course outline web page. You are asked you to name your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th preference, and we will distribute students accordingly. A recording of the presentations will also be published here.Studio choices 2021
Zoom recording
Passcode: zJ!H@8$j
Presentation files
Selection sheet
please fill in and return to
Outcomes from Final Project 2020
Digital exhibition 2020
Exhibition catalogue 2020
Support Staff:
For issues concerning enrolment or queries about the School’s programs contact:
For issues related to discrimination or harassment contact the Course Coordinator
or Velice Wennan, School Manager, 8313 5475,
For issues relating to health, safety and wellbeing contact Ian Florance, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Officer, 8313 5978,
For issues relating to first aid contact the School's front desk, Fodie Schluter, 8313 5836, Timetable
The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.
weekly contact times and locations - still subject to change
ST01 Amit Srivastava *
Monday, BSS 524, Gallery West 11am – 02pm
Thursday, BSS 540a, 5th Year Studio 10am – 01pm
ST02 Peter Scriver
Monday, BSS 527, Gallery East 02pm – 05pm
Thursday, BSS 540b, 5th Year Studio 02pm – 05pm
ST03 John Byleveld *
Monday, BSS 524, Gallery West 02pm – 05pm
Thursday, BSS 540a, 5th Year Studio 02pm – 05pm
ST04 Mirai Morita
Monday, BSS 527, Gallery East 10am – 01pm
Thursday, BSS 540b, 5th Year Studio 10am – 01pm
ST05 Athanasios Lazarou *
Tuesday, BSS 524, Gallery West 02pm – 05pm
Friday, BSS 540a, 5th Year Studio 02pm – 05pm
ST06 Anthony Coupe *
Tuesday, BSS 527, Gallery East 10am – 1pm
Friday, BSS 540a, 5th Year Studio 10pm – 1pm
ST07 Urs Bette
Tuesday, BSS 524, Gallery West 10am – 1pm
Friday, BSS 540b, 5th Year Studio 10am – 1pm
ST08 Kerstin Bruneder *
Tuesday, BSS 527, Gallery East 03pm – 06pm
Friday, BSS 540b, 5th Year Studio 02pm – 05pm -
Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students will have:- Expanded their discipinary knowledge through proposal and critique.
- Developed diverse propositions in response to functional and theoretical criteria.
- Improved clear and informed articulation of design ideas.
- Exercised self-directed investigation and learning.
- Developed architectural design strategies as part of a broader vision.
- Discussed cultural, disciplinary and social relevance of a design proposal.
University Graduate Attributes
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:
University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s) Deep discipline knowledge
- informed and infused by cutting edge research, scaffolded throughout their program of studies
- acquired from personal interaction with research active educators, from year 1
- accredited or validated against national or international standards (for relevant programs)
2 & 4 Critical thinking and problem solving
- steeped in research methods and rigor
- based on empirical evidence and the scientific approach to knowledge development
- demonstrated through appropriate and relevant assessment
2, 4 Teamwork and communication skills
- developed from, with, and via the SGDE
- honed through assessment and practice throughout the program of studies
- encouraged and valued in all aspects of learning
1, 3 Career and leadership readiness
- technology savvy
- professional and, where relevant, fully accredited
- forward thinking and well informed
- tested and validated by work based experiences
2, 3 Intercultural and ethical competency
- adept at operating in other cultures
- comfortable with different nationalities and social contexts
- able to determine and contribute to desirable social outcomes
- demonstrated by study abroad or with an understanding of indigenous knowledges
5, 6 Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
- a capacity for self-reflection and a willingness to engage in self-appraisal
- open to objective and constructive feedback from supervisors and peers
- able to negotiate difficult social situations, defuse conflict and engage positively in purposeful debate
1, 5 -
Learning Resources
Required Resources
NARecommended Resources
The University library has a collection of relevant design journals, which are an excellent resource for design ideas, theoretical texts, detailing and presentation techniques. E.g. El Croquis, Assemblage, Architectural Design, Harvard Design Magazine, Log, Project, Quaderns, Architecture Review and Architecture Australia.
The School has a fortnightly lecture series where respected practitioners and academics from the field deliver a public lecture on contemporary architectural practice. In order to expand your knowledge of contemporary directions in design it is highly recommended that you attend these sessions. The exact detail of dates and speakers is available from the School website and the Front Office.
An overview of design research journals can be found here: Learning
All course materials, assignments, texts, etc. will consecutively be made available through MyUni.
The school uses the University email system to get in touch with the students. It is imperative that you check your email regularly and keep up to date with any new announcements. Course information and materials will be made available through MyUni. Please see the general Course Information as well as the individual Studio Groups.
MyUni is an essential online tool which will be used to communicate information regarding the course including details of assignments and interim grades. There are many other learning resources and assessment pieces that rely on the MyUni system for delivery. Therefore it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the various functions of MyUni and employ it to its fullest extent.
General information about the activities at the School is available online from the Student Noticeboard which can be accessed
at Students can also access a copy of the Student Handbook at the following link: announcements.
Learning & Teaching Activities
Learning & Teaching Modes
Final Project is a self-lead design studio, in which students are asked to develop an architectural proposition in response to a specific program, topic or research question. The project develops along the students own lines of interest and inquiry. Accordingly, they are given the opportunity to choose a studio leader from a pool of available staff members and their respective fields of interest. The studio leader’s role is to coach and assist the students in their design research. Deliverables and guidelines are consistent across all studio groups.
Students are required to present and discuss their work in the studio workshop environment, subjecting it to analysis, critique and response by staff and fellow students. These are 'in progress' presentations, nonetheless the work needs to be articulated and referenced in regards to the individual topics, theoretical backgrounds and practical issues pursued.
The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.
The University expects full-time students (ie. those taking 12 units per semester) to devote at least 48 hours per week to their studies. Accordingly, students undertaking this 12 unit course are expected to devote 48 hours per week to contact activities and self-guided study. Self-guided study should be used towards preparation of weekly pin-ups and the steady development of your project. The following figures are based on this framework and might assist in managing your workload. The workload, established by the expected final outcome (presentation & exhibition), is significant and adds up to a full time job. Everybody who considers Final Project a sideline to other (paid) work, should consider the effects of possibly failing this course. Organise your time wisely.
Total contact hours: equivalent of 12 hrs per week x 12 weeks
Total self-guided study: 36 hrs per week x 13 weeks
Total workload hours: 48 hrs per week x 13 weeks
Learning Activities Summary
The dates below may be revised on short notice. Students need to check their email regularly for announcements.Time Mode Activity / Topic Week 1 Studio Research Week 2 Studio Research Week 3 Studio Research Week 4 Studio Concept Week 5 Studio Concept Week 6 Studio Concept Week 7 Mid Review Preliminary Design Week 8 Studio Concept Break 1 Break Development Break 2 Break Development Week 9 Studio Development Week 10 Studio Presentation Week 11 Studio Presentation Week 12 Studio Presentation Week 13 Final Review Resolved Design Week 14 individual Catalogue material submission Week 15 individual Model photography Week 16 individual Exhibition poster submission Week 17 individual Exhibition setup Week 18 individual Exhibition demount
Specific Course Requirements
The studio distinguishes 4 stages within the genesis of the student’s project: Research, Concept, Development and Presentation.
Research refers to an individual field of interest, topic or problem each student aims to interrogate and test through his/her design proposal. The frame of reference for these investigations can be set within a broad range of different yet overlapping fields; architectural theory, formal exploration, society, finance, science fiction, sustainability, planning, policy, technology, etc.
Concept refers to the proposal of a specific design strategy, which emerges as a synthesis of the interrogated problem / field of interest, the specific program and the given site. It should reflect the current state of theoretical and professional debate, and amalgamate the research into a coherent proposal that exists within a defined hypothetical framework.
Development refers to the more detailed design work, testing the established concept in regards to organisation, structure, material and functional fit, as well as cultural and social criteria. These aspects need to be critically studied and reflected upon, drawing a clear and legible argument from the initial investigations towards the final design.
Presentation refers to the preparation of high quality drawings, models, renderings; a graphic proposal with reflective commentary (booklet / exegesis) and the final exhibition boards that clearly and evocatively present the investigated problem, evolving solutions, final idea and its implementation in form of a detailed design proposal that is articulately demonstrated within the language of the discipline.
Small Group Discovery Experience
The Small Group Discovery Experience is an intrinsic element of all Design Studios at the School of Architecture and Built Environment. Groups of 8-10 students gather around a senior researcher and his/her design research topic, in order to interrogate and test a specific design proposal that emerges from the individual students’ field of interest.
The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:
- Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
- Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
- Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
- Assessment must maintain academic standards.
Assessment Summary
Assessment Task Task Type Due Date/ Week Weighting Learning Outcome General semester progress and pin-ups Individual Week 13 10% 1,4 Research Project - Mid Review: Graphic Proposal with reflective commentary Individual Week 7 40% 3,4 Design Project - Final Review: Exhibition Boards + model Individual Weeks 13 50% 2,5,6 Total 100% Assessment Related Requirements
Participation in the weekly meetings is required in order to demonstrate the projects’ progress and to take benefit from the studio leaders’ feedback. Students are asked to maintain a diary of comments and suggestions. Mid- and Final Review are joint events of all studio groups with their respective studio leaders and invited guest critics. Mid Review presentations are schedule for Thursday and Friday in week 7. Final Review Presentations are schedule for Thursday and Friday in week 13. Presentation timelines and venues will be issued in a timely manner. Student participation in Mid and Final Review is compulsory. Work handed in but not presented in person is considered as “not submitted”.
Assessment Detail
Indicative marks are provided after submissions have been handed in. These marks are considered as part of the final assessment, they may be adjusted and are not necessarily aggregated. Final Assessment is based on the semesters work and the quality of the oration, presentation and design. Final results for the course will only be available through Access Adelaide and students should not contact the course coordinator or the tutors for the same. Feedback for in class submissions will only be available during the tutorial as oral critique. Students should arrange with peers to make notes for reference.
Assessment 1: General Semester Progress: weekly pin-ups, desk crits, improvement toward exhibition
Description: Students discuss their work in progress during weekly pin-ups and desk-crits with their studio leaders and fellow students. Those discussions should be accompanied by drawings, models, or any other materials that best describe the student’s investigation at that point in time.
Criteria: Students will be credited for clear and confident articulation of their work, presentation of ideas, drawings and design strategies, self-criticism, knowledge of like projects, as well as the student’s contribution to the discussion around other students’ work. Assessment is also based on the improvements made towards Final Exhibition poster (even if the work is not selected for exhibition).
Submission: NA
Assessment 2: Mid Review: graphic design proposal with reflective commentary > screen
Description: Students show the development of their design research from initial investigations, tests and trials, to preliminary ideas and concepts towards a subsequent design proposal. The proposal is presented in form of an illustrated booklet that includes reflective commentary on each step of the process and a 3-500 word exegesis. Work on it is supposed to commence from the start of the semester and capture the weekly discussions and pin-up sessions. The continuous editing a project booklet is a formalised way to establish the aims of your investigation, develop a working hypothesis and synthesise feasible solutions. The aim is to critically evaluate each step, test and substantiate the design, in order to arrive at a coherent proposal that can be successfully communicated. Material shown may include annotated diagrams, drawings, renders, models, photographs, as well as any other material that supports the understanding of the design process.
Criteria: Students will be credited for a comprehensibly laid out booklet that gives evidence of their design thinking and reflection, demonstrated in the areas: FIELD & FOCUS - Capacity to reasonably develop a question or topic for design inquiry within a larger field of architectural, cultural and social issues. RESOLUTION – Rigour and depth within the investigation and design process; coherence and persuasiveness in addressing the investigated question or topic. COMMUNICATION - Articulate representation of architectural investigations, propositions and supporting arguments within the language of the discipline. INNOVATION – Courageous investigations, showing originality and inventiveness in both approach and subsequent design proposal.
Submission: The booklet is presented via projection in a public forum. Students will be required to speak to their display and answer questions from the assessment panel. A pdf version of the booklet has to be uploaded to MyUni prior to the presentation. This file needs to be named: familyname_firstname_MID. Differently labelled files may not be assessed.
Assessment 3: Final Review: presentation / exhibition posters > print
Description: The resolved design proposal is presented through 3 A0 posters and a model. The content shall be similar to the Mid Review, however, be more focused on the final design implementation and developed to higher detail. The presentation should be supported by annotated diagrams, detailed drawings, photographs, renders, models, an overall project description as well as analytical commentary on individual design steps, and any other material that supports the design or as negotiated with the studio leader. It should include a graphical summary of the design process, a 3-500 word exegesis describing the design, show technical details that are pertinent to the scheme, and demonstrate structural considerations through physical model, axonometric drawing or section. The final review posters are considered as the preliminary version of the exhibition posters. They are the key component for the selection into the final exhibition.Criteria: Students will be credited for a coherent presentation that draws a clear and legible argument from the initial investigations towards the conceptual idea and the final detailed design. The work will be assessed in regards to: COHERENCE - Convincing inquiry / narrative / argument that sits within a larger field of architectural, cultural and social issues. RESOLUTION - Rigor, criticality and elegance in developing a design solution that responds to the investigated question or topic. COMMUNICATION – Detailed and articulate re-presentation of the design investigation / proposal within the language of the discipline. INNOVATION - Courageousness and originality of the investigation, approach and the subsequent design proposal.
Submission: Students are required to speak to their display and answer questions from the assessment panel. The prints have to be on the wall 1/2h before the overall presentation session starts. A pdf version of the prints needs to be uploaded to MyUni prior to the presentation. Models are brought on the day pf presentation. This file needs to be named: familyname_firstname_FIN.
Exhibition & CatalogueParticipation in the exhibition / catalogue is determined by the quality of the design at Final Review and as indicated by the mark received. In general works assessed as CREDIT and above shall be part of the exhibition, as well as selected, or components of, PASS work. However, depending on overall student numbers and the space available the cut off mark may be higher. Final curation is done by the course coordinator in discussion with the studio leaders.
Catalogue: The catalogue features students’ work selected for the exhibition, and gives an overview of all students’ projects. The catalogue is financed by the School.
Submission: Material for the catalogue needs to be supplied by ALL students, and formatted to the following specs:
Please submit up to 10 items per category / folder:
- GENESIS: A5 vector graphic: pdf or eps (or jpg, A5 @ 300dpi) - CONCEPT: A5 vector graphic: pdf or eps (or jpg, A5 @ 300dpi)
- DRAWINGS: A4 vector graphic, pdf or eps (or jpg, A4 @ 300dpi) - RENDERS: A4 jpg @ 300dpi
- TEXT: text file containing: a) your name, b) title of your project, c) 300 words project description, saved as word.doc and named: familyname_firstname_TEXT. Name each individual document with your family name and a caption that might be used in the catalogue, i.e.: bette_structure diagram.pdf. Bundle as a zip file and submit via MyUni by November 8. Name zip file: familyname_firstname_CAT.
Exhibition: The exhibition features selected student work. Its layout is developed by the course coordinator in collaboration with representatives of the student cohort. A group of 20 students (Arch & Larch) are responsible for the set-up and dismantling of the exhibition. Failure to participate in setting up and dismantling the exhibition will result in withholding the students’ course results and impede their graduation. The printing for the exhibition panels is organised and financed by the students. The exhibition posters will be kept by the school for accreditation purposes and future reference.
Submission: Exhibition posters: 3 x A0 portrait (841x1189 = 2523 x1189 landscape), plus a physical model (whole or part of the project). This material counts towards the grade for Semester Progress. Due to space restrictions not all models may de displayed. The final selection is made by the course coordinator. The exhibition posters should be based on the Final Review panels, yet be further improved by implementing the feedback received during the presentation (this counts towards the semester progress grade). Files for printing are compiled as 3 individual pdf’s and bundled as a single zip file, named: familyname_firstname_EXH, submitted via MyUni in week 16, as well as handed to the student managing the overall printing. Physical models need to be submitted in week 15 to be photographed for the catalogue. Otherwise, models are submitted in week 17 and stored in the 5th Year Studio for selection.
Consent: By submitting material for inclusion in the Exhibition / Catalogue students are giving consent for their work being displayed online and used in current and future marketing on channels including, but not limited to, the UofA website, social media and print publications.Submission
1. General semester progress and and in studio presentations
Due Date: weekly, studio hrs
Weight: 10%
Method: pin-up / desk crit
2. Mid Review Presentation: Graphic Proposal with reflective commentary
Due Date: Week 7, Wednesday, 4pm
Weight: 40%
Method: pdf screen presentation, submission via MyUni
3. Final Review: Exhibition boards + model
Due Date: Week 13, Wednesday, 4pm
Weight: 50%
Method: print presentation, submission of pdf via MyUni
Submissions (General)
• All submissions must include Student Name and Student ID Number. Submissions without Student Name or ID Number will not be considered for marking, and will receive zero marks in accordance with the guidelines.
• In addition, all assignments need to have an Assignment Cover Sheet which must be signed and dated by the student before submission. Please attach the cover sheet in front of the document, to the top left hand corner.
• Please adhere to submission deadlines and follow instructions provided.
• Students must not submit work for an assignment that has previously been submitted for this course or any other course without prior approval from the Course Coordinator.
• On occasion, the lecturer/tutor may wish to retain students’ work for future reference and the relevant student will be informed at such a time.
Early Submission
• There is an early submission box located on Level 4 which is cleared out daily at 10am. Please mark your submission clearly before placing in box.• Models for in-class presentation cannot be handed in early.
Late Submission
• The school will NOT accept late submissions and any such assignment will receive zero marks. This also applies to electronic submissions.
• Printing delays & hard disk crashes will not be entertained as legitimate causes for delay, so please ensure that the work is finished in advance.
• The school has a resubmission policy whereby students can redeem failed work by submitting additional work for a maximum of 50%. However, this does not apply to a Class Test or Final Essay as they are pieces of summative assessment and exempt from this rule.• The deadline for all re-submissions is 12pm on Friday 6th November 2015.
Good practice
• Students should ensure that they regularly backup their work on multiple locations as hard-disk crashes are an unfortunate reality.
• When relying on community printing facilities, students should attempt to finish their work in advance to avoid unnecessary delays.
• Students must retain a copy of all assignments submitted (digital or hardcopy), as originals may be lost during the submission process.
For modified arrangements of submission and assessment due to special circumstances see the following Additional Assessment guidelines.
Modified Arrangements (General)
To apply for a Modified Arrangement a student must complete the relevant form and submit it to the relevant Faculty within the required timeframe: To apply for an Assessment Extension a student must submit an Application for Replacement Examination or Assessment Extension form prior to the Assessment Deadline. The Course Coordinator may reduce the level of supporting documentation required by the form if the assessment task comprises 20% or less of the total course assessment scheme, provided it is to the advantage of the student, variations are applied consistently and the nature and conditions of the Assessment Extension are documented.
Medical Reasons:
The student believes that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in the exam(s) or assessment(s) listed in Section 1 has been or will be significantly impaired due to a temporary medical issue and is seeking a replacement examination/assessment extension on medical grounds. The University does not consider the following to be a significant impairment:
1. Minor ailments including but not limited to colds, minor respiratory infections, minor gastric upsets, menstrual irregularities, headaches and stress or anxiety normally associated with study.
2. Ongoing medical conditions that are currently being managed unless there has been an exacerbation of that condition. Please note that a medical certificate on its own will not be accepted. If you have any questions please contact Student Policy and Appeals on (08) 8313 7503
Compassionate Grounds
The University does not consider employment commitments, family or customary obligations, balancing workloads, misreading exam timetables, travel, child care, sport, social or leisure commitments as being compassionate circumstances. Applications should not be approved if the circumstances were avoidable and the student had reasonable opportunity to make alternative arrangements.
Extenuating Circumstances
The University does not regard travel, balancing workloads including overlapping study periods or misreading exam timetables as extenuating circumstances. Applications will not be approved if your circumstances were avoidable and you student had reasonable opportunity to make alternative arrangements.
Also refer to the student handbook or contact the Student Advisor.
To maintain privacy relating to personal issues students can contact the University Transition and Advisory Service at 8313 0100 or, or approach the Counselling Service on 83035663 for an individual appointment.
Additional Assessment
If a student receives a Fail grade for the course with an overall mark between 45 and 49, they may be eligible for an Additional Assessment which would allow them to get a maximum of 50 Pass for the Course. Additional Assessment offers are made by the School and the student will be informed directly once these are made available.
Students who have a disability and wish to seek modified submission or assessment arrangements need to contact the University Disability Services at 83135962 or for supporting documentation and then communicate these to the Course Coordinator in person through appointment during the assigned office hours.
Elite Athlete
Students who have national/international sporting commitments and wish to seek modified submission or assessment arrangements need to register with the University Elite Athlete Support Scheme at and then communicate this to the Course Coordinator in person through appointment during the assigned office hours.Course Grading
Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:
M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme) Grade Mark Description FNS Fail No Submission F 1-49 Fail P 50-64 Pass C 65-74 Credit D 75-84 Distinction HD 85-100 High Distinction CN Continuing NFE No Formal Examination RP Result Pending Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.
Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.
Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.
Student Feedback
The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.
SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.
Student Support
- Academic Integrity for Students
- Academic Support with Maths
- Academic Support with writing and study skills
- Careers Services
- International Student Support
- Library Services for Students
- LinkedIn Learning
- Student Life Counselling Support - Personal counselling for issues affecting study
- Students with a Disability - Alternative academic arrangements
- YouX Student Care - Advocacy, confidential counselling, welfare support and advice
Policies & Guidelines
This section contains links to relevant assessment-related policies and guidelines - all university policies.
- Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy
- Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy
- Copyright Compliance Policy
- Coursework Academic Programs Policy
- Elder Conservatorium of Music Noise Management Plan
- Intellectual Property Policy
- IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy
- Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy
- Reasonable Adjustments to Learning, Teaching & Assessment for Students with a Disability Policy
- Student Experience of Learning and Teaching Policy
- Student Grievance Resolution Process
Fraud Awareness
Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.
The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.