EDUC 6544A - History Curriculum & Methodology A

North Terrace Campus - Semester 1 - 2016

The course aims to present information on a range of methodologies and develop a variety of pedagogical skills to help students to be better prepared for the start of their teaching career.

  • General Course Information
    Course Details
    Course Code EDUC 6544A
    Course History Curriculum & Methodology A
    Coordinating Unit School of Education
    Term Semester 1
    Level Postgraduate Coursework
    Location/s North Terrace Campus
    Units 3
    Contact 2 hours per week, in addition to a 2 hour common lecture focussing on Planning and Teaching
    Available for Study Abroad and Exchange N
    Prerequisites Pass in 4 courses of History Studies
    Restrictions Available to Grad Dip Ed students only
    Course Staff

    Course Coordinator: Andrew Buxton

    Location: Level 8, Nexus Building, Pulteney Street
    Telephone: 0431738111
    Course Timetable

    The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner.

    There will be three 2 hour lecture/tutorials followed by two intensive day seminars, consisting of short lectures and tutorial style workshops. It is imperative that students attend both seminars, as they will contribute significantly to the program assessment requirements. The week one intensive includes a short walking tour.
  • Learning Outcomes
    Course Learning Outcomes
    On Successful completion of this course student will be able:

    Course Learning Outcomes


    GA Arts
    GA Uni
    Both Semesters
    Assemble a range of subject-appropriate resources, including online, that engage a diversity of students in their learning. 2.6 & 3.4 1, 2 1, 2
    Integrate relevant research and theory to develop a broad repertoire of subject-appropriate teaching and learning strategies, including use of ICT. 3.2 & 3.3 2 2
    Demonstrate a commitment to work ethically and collaboratively so as to meet the professional expectations required of teachers. 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4 6 6
    Demonstrate communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a diverse range of students. 3.5, 4.2 & 5.5 3, 5 3, 5
    Develop a broad repertoire of subject-appropriate teaching and learning strategies, including use of ICT. 2.1, 2.6, 3.2 & 3.3 2, 3 2, 3
    Semester One
    Demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the complexity of the discipline and the teaching strategies of the learning area. 2.1, 3.2 & 3.3 1, 2 1, 2
    Design and sequence unit and lesson plans based on essential content of the subject area, curriculum and assessment principles. 2.2, 2.3 & 3.2 1, 2 1, 2
    Assemble relevant and appropriate sources of professional learning for teachers including subject professional associations. 6.2, 6.3 & 7.4 4, 6 4, 6
    Semester 2
    Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning. 3.6 & 5.4 3, 4, 6 3, 4, 6
    Identify and interpret student learning needs and design learning strategies so as to respond to student diversity. 5.1 & 5.2 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 5
    Formulate a range of feedback and assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning in the subject area and for various curricula eg SACSA, SACE, ACARA, IB. 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 & 7.2 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 5
    Demonstrate understanding of assessment, moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning. 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 5

    Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST): 

    Graduate Attributes: Faculty of Arts Graduate Attributes:

    Graduate Attributes: University of Adelaide Graduate Attributes:
    University Graduate Attributes

    This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:

    University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s)
    Deep discipline knowledge
    • informed and infused by cutting edge research, scaffolded throughout their program of studies
    • acquired from personal interaction with research active educators, from year 1
    • accredited or validated against national or international standards (for relevant programs)
    1, 6, 7
    Critical thinking and problem solving
    • steeped in research methods and rigor
    • based on empirical evidence and the scientific approach to knowledge development
    • demonstrated through appropriate and relevant assessment
    1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12
    Teamwork and communication skills
    • developed from, with, and via the SGDE
    • honed through assessment and practice throughout the program of studies
    • encouraged and valued in all aspects of learning
    4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12
    Career and leadership readiness
    • technology savvy
    • professional and, where relevant, fully accredited
    • forward thinking and well informed
    • tested and validated by work based experiences
    8, 9
    Intercultural and ethical competency
    • adept at operating in other cultures
    • comfortable with different nationalities and social contexts
    • able to determine and contribute to desirable social outcomes
    • demonstrated by study abroad or with an understanding of indigenous knowledges
    4, 10, 11, 12
    Self-awareness and emotional intelligence
    • a capacity for self-reflection and a willingness to engage in self-appraisal
    • open to objective and constructive feedback from supervisors and peers
    • able to negotiate difficult social situations, defuse conflict and engage positively in purposeful debate
    3, 8, 9
  • Learning Resources
    Required Resources

    Due to the practical nature of this course most resources will be provided with links to websites where practical

    International Baccalaureate:

    Recommended Resources

    Taylor, Tony & Young, Carmel Making History: a guide for the teaching and learning of history in Australian Schools

    Linda S. Levstick & Keith Barton (2011) Doing History (4th Edn) Routledge, London/New York (Barr Smith)

    Taylor,T.Fay,C. Kriewald,J. & Boon,D. Place and Time Pearson French’s Forest

    History Teachers Association of SA:
    Historical Society of SA:
    History SA:
    History Council of SA:
    National Trust (SA):

    Clarke, Anna A (2008) Comparative Study of History Teaching in Australia and Canada Monash University

    Australian Government: National history teaching resources: 

    Online Learning
    Any additional resources to support the delivery of this program will be uploaded onto MyUni and students will be notified of these.

    Course communication will be primarily through emails and MyUni postings. It is a course requirement that you access and frequently check (at least 2 times per week) these communications.
  • Learning & Teaching Activities
    Learning & Teaching Modes

    The lecture sessions will be in face to face mode. At the end of each presentation at least five minutes will be allowed for question time.

    The format of the workshops/tutorials will vary


    The information below is provided as a guide to assist students in engaging appropriately with the course requirements.

    There are 2 hours of contact time. It is important that you attend these lectures/workshops. You should be prepared to do a minimum of 2 hours additional work per week to allow for reading/preparation/research relating to History education. This may increase prior to the submission of assignments.
    Learning Activities Summary
      Content Course Objectives

    Session 1

    22 Mar

    Introduction to course

    Brief outline of History curriculum frameworks present & past: state, national and international (national curriculum, IB, UNESCO and SACE)
    An overview of the scope and sequence in the national curriculum for Middle Years 8-10
    Personal reflections on history learning and teaching

    CO: 1, 2,6,7

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
    Assessment requirements and due dates

    Session 2 

    29 Mar

    Core elements of history learning and teaching (language & theory)
    Evidence analysis
    Discursive writing
    Family, local, regional, national, social, political, economic histories

    CO: 1,2,4,5

    Tutorial Learning Activities: 
    Interpreting history from different perspectives and the contestability of history. Discussion on the role of the historian in society.

    Session 3 

    5 April

    Core elements of history learning and teaching (language & theory)
    Cultural heritage education*
    Place based education*
    Accessing community resources / learning through the historical environment

    CO: 1,2,4,6

    Tutorial Learning Activities: 
    Preparing for field work and learning through the historical environment. Discussing potential cultural heritage sites for case studies

    Intensive Seminar 1 

    19 April


    Course Objectives

    Session 1

    Cultural heritage & place based education : different perspectives and differentiated learning Introduction to Heritage is Precious (HIP) Movement Facebook page*
    Guest lecturer: Tammy Edwardson

    CO: 1,2,3,4

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
    Brainstorming and starting the learning design process for history

    Session 2


    Sharing and evaluating student selected heritage site studies:
    Students present their research of heritage previously selected.
    Supportive group evaluation, incl. brainstorming alternative cultural heritage sites of Adelaide for field study purposes.
    Review the administrative and logistical needs and requirements of excursions/incursions

    CO: 3,4,5,6,7

    Tutorial Learning Activities: Inquiry based learning and professional sharing. Legal and administrative requirements.

    Session 3

    Walking tour of North Terrace heritage sites in Adelaide (incl. BYO lunch)

    CO: 1,3,4,7

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
     Modelling inquiry based learning

    Session 4


    Learning design in middle years and year 8 history; unit and lesson planning

    Pedagogy for:
    the diverse needs of middle school learners developing historical inquiry skills
    Role playing and ICTs
    Considering assessment

    Unit / lesson planning & delivery
    Year 8 history – ancient to modern world

    CO: 1,2,3,4,5

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
     Brainstorming and starting the learning design process for year 8 history. Introducing Assessment Requirements vis Unit Plans.

    Intensive Seminar 2
    Fri 22 April

    Course Objectives
    Session 1

    Year 9 making the modern world (1750 – 1918) - Unit / lesson planning & delivery
    Technological development and travel
    Long term effects imperialism
    World War I
    The industrial revolution
    European expansion, Asia and migration
    Political ideas and nationalism

    Pedagogy for:
    the diverse needs of middle school learners developing historical inquiry skills
    Role playing and ICTs
    Considering assessment

    CO: 1,2,3,4,5

    Tutorial Learning Activities: S: Brainstorming and starting the learning design process for year 9 history. Assessment Requirements vis Unit Plans.

    Session 2

    Year 10 the modern world and Australia (1918 to the present) – Unit / lesson planning & delivery
    Global conflict
    World War II
    UN peace keeping
    Civics rights movement
    Cold war conflicts
    Technology developments and sustainability

    Pedagogy for:
    the diverse needs of middle school learners developing historical inquiry skills
    Role playing and ICTs
    Considering assessment

    CO: 1,2,3,4,5

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
    Brainstorming and starting the learning design process for year 10 history Assessment Requirements vis Unit Plans.

    Session 3

    An evaluation of history resources

    What about textbooks?
    Sharing of history resources
    Sources of professional learning
    History learning communities & online support

    CO: 1,2,4,5,6

    Tutorial Learning Activities:
    Sharing of quality history resources.
    Session 4

    Beyond the middle years and course summary

    Teaching across the humanities and social sciences: the 16 SACE courses
    VET in the SACE (Tourism)
    Readiness for quality teaching and learning
    Semester 2 program

    CO: 1,2,4,5,6,8
    Tutorial Learning Activities:
    Reflection of own learning design and value of course to history

    Specific Course Requirements
    All students are required to attend the compulsory seminars. In the case of absence an email to the course coordinator, or a medical certificate or other verification is required. If a student is absent, additional work may be required by the student.
    Small Group Discovery Experience
    Not applicable.
  • Assessment

    The University's policy on Assessment for Coursework Programs is based on the following four principles:

    1. Assessment must encourage and reinforce learning.
    2. Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about student performance.
    3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
    4. Assessment must maintain academic standards.

    Assessment Summary
    Assessment Task Weighting Due Date Learning Outcomes
    Case study of a heritage site (an education and community resource) 20% First Friday during first mid-semester break 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
    History curriculum programs for years 8, 9 and 10 50% Friday, Week 10 5, 7, 8
    Reflective paper (1,000 words) 20% Friday, Week 13 3, 4, 5, 6
    Attendance and participation 10% End of Seminar 2 2, 3, 4, 5, 8
    Assessment Related Requirements
    Students must attend both seminars and sign the attendance sheet on arrival.  
    Assessment Detail

    It is expected that students will not miss either seminar. If you are unable to complete the pre-readings and tasks or attend the seminars for some reason, it is expected that you will catch up with the readings and tasks in the week following.

    ‘Participation’ can mean a number of things but usually includes completing the required readings, thinking about any focus questions, making notes, listening to others and participating in in-class discussions and activities.

    We are all responsible for creating an atmosphere where every student feels welcome to contribute. Be prepared to listen carefully and respectfully to your classmates and to reflect on your own participation so that you contribute to the class.

    Assignment 1: Case study of a heritage site (an education and community resource)

    Weighting: 20%
    Length: 400 words
    Due Date: Friday 15th April 2016
    Course Learning Objectives: 1,2,4,6,7,8

    For this assignment students are required to select a cultural heritage site in Adelaide that is a suitable for year 8-10 history students and the general public to visit. Students take a photograph of the heritage site (please bring an A4 size photocopy to Semester 1) and write a brief case study of it, that includes suggestions for two inquiry-based activities for students. The case study must be uploaded to MyUni from where it will be accessed for the first intensive seminar day.

    Students should include the following information in the brief description:

    • Name of the building
    • Year it was built
    • Architect if known
    • Purposes over time
    • Architectural features
    • Current use
    • Any other relevant information for future visitors to the site
    • Reference list of primary and secondary resources
    • TWO suggested inquiry-based activities linked to ONE of the 8 dot points above

    Examples of heritage sites could include:

    Ayers House Memorials
    Parliament House Adelaide Botanic Garden
    Migration Museum Mortlock Library
    South Australian museum Bonython Hall
    Torrens Parade Ground & Drill Hall/Training Depot RiAus
    Treasury building Art Gallery of SA

    Rubric for Assignment 1: Case study of a heritage site (for education and community promotion)  Please refer to MyUni/History Curriculum and Methodology A (Combined)/ Course Informaiton/Course Oultine and Rubrics

    Assignment 2: History curriculum programs for years 8, 9 and 10

    Weighting: 50%
    Due Date: Friday 20th May 2016
    Course Learning Objectives: 5,7,8

    Using the ACARA History (year 8 to 10) framework, produce three programs; one for Year 8, 9 and 10 students. Each program must be four weeks in length and feature one assessment piece for students to complete. You must also include one cross curriculum priority in each program, an excursion and list your primary and secondary resources.

    The cross curriculum priorities in the national curriculum are: 

    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
    • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
    • Sustainability

    Your programs must include the following:

    Year level:
    Length: 4 weeks

    Schedule of activities: Weeks 1 -4
    Differentiated teaching and personalised learning:
    An excursion to a cultural heritage site:
    Primary Resources:
    Secondary Resources:
    Inclusion of a cross curriculum priority:

    Rubric for Assignment 2: History curriculum programs for years 8,9 and 10 Please refer to MyUni/History Curriculum and Methodology A (Combined)/ Course Informaiton/Course Oultine and Rubrics

    Assignment 3: Reflective paper

    Weighting: 20%
    Length: 1000 words
    Due Date: Friday 10th June 2016

    During the second intensive seminar students will select and commence work on focus questions that provide a guide to writing a reflective paper of 1000 words. The questions are:

    1. In this course you have explored the role of cultural heritage education and placed based education in the teaching of history. In your opinion how relevant to the study of history is cultural heritage education and placed based education? Explain how you will apply these to your teaching in the future.
    2. In this course you have also explored how innovative pedagogy and differentiated teaching can enrich student learning. On reflection, how effectively did your course cater to the needs of a diverse range of learners? How would you improve your courses so there is greater innovation and more personalised learning for students?
    3. Students in this course were involved in the development of community resources for the HIP Movement Facebook page. How effective do you think this site is for teachers and the community? Will you use this site in the future and why? How could it be improved?
    4. The importance of joining professional learning communities has also been covered in this course. What are the keys to making such communities effective? What professional associations and learning communities will you become a member of and why?
    5. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to start planning curriculum programs. How confident do you feel to start teaching students in year 8 to 10 history? Why?
    6. How useful was this course to your future as a history teacher? What are your greatest learning points in relation to this course?

    Please note a reference list is not required for this assignment.

    Rubric for Assignment 2: Reflective Paper: Please refer to MyUni/History Curriculum and Methodology A (Combined)/ Course Informaiton/Course Oultine and Rubrics

    Assessment Item 4: Attendance and Participation

    Weighting: 10%
    Length: 2 Seminars
    Due Date: Tuesday 19th April, Friday 22nd April
    Course Learning Objectives: 2,3,4,5,8

    Students are expected to attend the two day-long seminars and participate actively in all components of the seminars. In order to achieve at the highest standard students are expected to demonstrate that they are well prepared for each session, they will be expected to contribute regularly and thoughtfully to discussion, showing active reflection and initiative.

    1. All assignments must be word-processed or typed. Illegibly written or badly presented assignments will be sent back for re-transcription. Legible typescript and the quality of English expression are considered to be integral parts of the assessment process.

    2. Assignments must:
    · have a margin of at least 4cm on one side of the page to leave room for comments
    · have all pages numbered and securely attached

    Clearly indicate on the front page of the assignment: your name, student ID, word length, course & name of your lecturer.
    Include a detailed bibliography. Only list those sources actually used. Copies printed back to back are acceptable.

    3. Content and quality of thought matter more than quantity but you should keep within 10% of the prescribed limit.

    4. Online submission via MyUni is now becoming usual. Emailed assignments should be accepted in cases where students or their children are unwell or live in remote locations, such as a country town.

    5. Markers can refuse to accept assignments which do not have a signed acknowledgement of the University’s policy on plagiarism or where a student has not accepted the plagiarism rules in an online submission of an essay (refer to the policy on plagiarism below). In the case on online submission, an accompanying email is required.

    6. Requests for extensions will be considered if they are made three days before the due date for which the extension is being sought. In extreme circumstances, contact your course convener as a matter of urgency.

    7. If an assessment is submitted after a due date, and without an extension, 5% of the total mark possible will be deducted for every 24 hours or part thereof that it is late, including each day on a weekend. For example, an essay that is submitted after the due date and time but within the first 24 hour period, and that has been graded at 63%, will have 5% deducted, for a final grade of 58%. An essay that is more than 24 hours late will lose 10%, etc. Hard copy submissions made after 5.00pm on a Friday will be assumed to have been submitted on the next business day and will be penalised 5% per day for every day including weekend days and public holidays.

    8. Computer problems, resource availability and/or lost materials do not constitute grounds for an extension.

    9. If you are experiencing any difficulties understanding an assigned task or meeting a deadline you are encouraged to make an appointment with your lecturer to discuss the matter as soon as the problem is apparent. We understand that illness and family responsibilities usually affect everyone at some point. If you discuss the difficulty with us promptly, we may be able to negotiate a solution.

    10. Students are encouraged to check their marks and notify the lecturer-in-charge of any discrepancies.

    11. Students must not submit work for an assignment that has previously been submitted and assessed for this course or any other course.
    Course Grading

    Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

    M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme)
    Grade Mark Description
    FNS   Fail No Submission
    F 1-49 Fail
    P 50-64 Pass
    C 65-74 Credit
    D 75-84 Distinction
    HD 85-100 High Distinction
    CN   Continuing
    NFE   No Formal Examination
    RP   Result Pending

    Further details of the grades/results can be obtained from Examinations.

    Grade Descriptors are available which provide a general guide to the standard of work that is expected at each grade level. More information at Assessment for Coursework Programs.

    Final results for this course will be made available through Access Adelaide.

    Both Fail grades/results and HD grades/results will be double marked by a second marker. 
  • Student Feedback

    The University places a high priority on approaches to learning and teaching that enhance the student experience. Feedback is sought from students in a variety of ways including on-going engagement with staff, the use of online discussion boards and the use of Student Experience of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys as well as GOS surveys and Program reviews.

    SELTs are an important source of information to inform individual teaching practice, decisions about teaching duties, and course and program curriculum design. They enable the University to assess how effectively its learning environments and teaching practices facilitate student engagement and learning outcomes. Under the current SELT Policy ( course SELTs are mandated and must be conducted at the conclusion of each term/semester/trimester for every course offering. Feedback on issues raised through course SELT surveys is made available to enrolled students through various resources (e.g. MyUni). In addition aggregated course SELT data is available.

  • Student Support
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • Fraud Awareness

    Students are reminded that in order to maintain the academic integrity of all programs and courses, the university has a zero-tolerance approach to students offering money or significant value goods or services to any staff member who is involved in their teaching or assessment. Students offering lecturers or tutors or professional staff anything more than a small token of appreciation is totally unacceptable, in any circumstances. Staff members are obliged to report all such incidents to their supervisor/manager, who will refer them for action under the university's student’s disciplinary procedures.

The University of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the courses and programs it offers to students. The University of Adelaide therefore reserves the right to discontinue or vary programs and courses without notice. Please read the important information contained in the disclaimer.