CHIN 7001 - Transcultural Comm/Translation Thesis - Extended

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2019

The research thesis is a compulsory component of the Masters of Translation and Transcultural Communication program, and should be undertaken in the final semester of study. This 12-unit version of the thesis is for those students who wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. In the first instance, students should consult the program convenor for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Centre for Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore the broad range of academic field expertise the Centre and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. This 12-unit thesis should be 14,000-16,000 words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).

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