Directory Listing -- L

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33212 Lardelli Michael Associate Professor [email]
831 39041 Larkin Michael Senior Lecturer - Indigenous Health [email]
831 33183 Larkin Steve Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous Engagement [email]
831 33713 Larsen Greta SchoolBusiness Manager [email]
831 37097 Larsen Mark Solution Architect [email]
831 33528 Larusson Finnur Professor [email]
831 39266 Lassi Zohra NHMRC Ext-Funded Emerging Leader-2 Fellow D [email]
831 32322 Lasso Serna Dalia School Business Manager [email]
831 30205 Lau Timothea Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33965 Lavis Tiffany Senior Lecturer [email]
831 31260 Law Cheryl Research Associate [email]
831 31358 Law Margaret General Manager, Defence Trailblazer [email]
none registered Law Wallace Boone Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 35659 Law Viljoen Bronwyn Senior Lecturer [email]
831 31030 Lawrence Mark Professor of Practice [email]
0 8313 4147 Laws Jessica Faculty Admin Coordinator [email]
none registered Laws Mark Scientific Officer [email]
831 33600 Layton Elizabeth Senior Lecturer [email]
831 31805 Layton Katrya Examinations and Result Officer [email]
none registered Lazarou Athanasios Lecturer [email]
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