Engineering North

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 38324 Davies Miles Centre Manager, ATCSR [email]
831 32830 Deng An Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34191 Diener Jaymie Faculty Admin Coordinator [email]
831 33094 Donald Felicity Senior Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 34543 Dowd Peter Professor [email]
831 34179 Falconer Robert Professor of Bioprocess Engineering [email]
831 35073 Farries Kevin Associate Lecturer [email]
831 32478 Franco Tijana CSER STEM Administration Officer [email]
831 35365 Gepp Allyssa Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 34185 Gordon Dancey Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 33213 Guo Zaiping Professor [email]
831 31535 Hassan Kamrul Lecturer [email]
831 32599 Hee Ay Ching Technical Officer [email]
61 8 8313 3011 Hillary Brendan Technical Officer [email]
831 30056 Howie Brenton Senior Technical Officer [email]
none registered Huo Ariel Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 37357 Iasiello Luisa Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 38209 Itsumi Norio Senior Technical Officer, Electronics [email]
831 34314 Jaksa Mark Emeritus Professor [email]
831 30753 Jiao Yan Head, School of Chemical Engineering [email]
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