
TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 36331 Symonds Lotte Space Planner [email]
831 34250 Tauchert Martin Senior Manager Maintenance Operations [email]
none registered Taylor Ryan Graphic Design and Engagement Officer [email]
831 33550 Tomczak Sebastian Lecturer in Music [email]
831 33672 Torbay AM George Head of Music Theatre [email]
none registered Trindade Etienny Project Manager [email]
831 33153 Tuhoro Sarah Senior Project Officer [email]
831 39058 Watts Mark Project Manager [email]
none registered Weerakkody Dammika Infrastructure Sustainability Coordinator [email]
831 36350 White Mary Manager, Space Allocation and Planning [email]
831 33689 Whittington Stephen Senior Lecturer, Composition [email]
831 33929 Wilkes Rosie Research Education Project Officer [email]
831 33708 Williams Shauna Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 32294 Wilson Alice Senior HDR Experience Officer [email]
831 30134 Yates Tess Senior Administrative Officer [email]
831 31356 Jacobs Vicki Senior Space Planner [email]
831 39916 Nguyen Hanh Project Manager [email]
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