Dr Grayson Cooke

Dr Grayson Cooke
  • Biography/ Background

    Born in New Zealand and based in Australia, Grayson Cooke is an interdisciplinary scholar and media artist. Grayson is an award-winning media artist whose work shows regularly in galleries and festivals around the world. Sitting at the intersection of art and science, much of his work uses satellite imaging and satellite data, as well as infrared imaging.

    “Open Air”, a film made in collaboration with painter Emma Walker and the music of The Necks, won the 2020 Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize at the South Australian Museum. His collaboration with sound artist Mike Cooper, “Outback and Beyond”, was the winner of a “New Face” award in the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival in 2012. This work and others have been exhibited or performed at major festivals such as the WRO Media Art Biennale and the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York, and at key venues such as the National Art Centre in Tokyo, MONA in Hobart and The Lume in Melbourne.

    As a scholar, he has published many articles in Q1 journals including Leonardo, Convergence, and Body and Society. He holds a BA(HONS) from Victoria University of Wellington and an interdisciplinary PhD from Concordia University in Montreal. He works as Researcher Support Manager in Research Services at the University of Adelaide. http://www.graysoncooke.com .

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Entry last updated: Monday, 13 Nov 2023