The University of Adelaide -- H

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 34296 Haghighi Manouchehr Associate Professor [email]
none registered Hague Bill Professor [email]
831 33256 Hajdu Tom Director - Sia Furler Institute [email]
831 30139 Hajduk Stefan Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33923 Hall Anthea Research Funding Officer (Post-Award) [email]
831 33059 Hall Jess Research Compliance Officer - Biosafety [email]
831 32399 Hall Laura Academic Integrity Investigations Officer [email]
831 35326 Hall Tony Specialist Snr Technical Officer [email]
831 33403 Hallows Peter HSW Officer [email]
831 30930 Halls Krystle Lecturer [email]
831 32888 Haluwana Piyumi Internship Support Officer [email]
831 30078 Hambour Nick Team Leader Exams & Results (ABLE) [email]
831 30704 Hamilton Libby Graduate Research Systems Officer [email]
831 30732 Hamlyn Alex HR Officer [email]
831 34596 Hamminga Erwin Thebarton Research Laboratory Technician [email]
none registered Hamood Wendy Extra Mural Studies Coordinator [email]
none registered Han Amelia Lecturer [email]
831 36932 Hancock Sarah Senior HTA Analyst [email]
831 35324 Hand Martin Professor [email]
831 30283 Hand Melanie Research Systems Manager [email]
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