Directory Listing -- C

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35208 Cook Lauren Senior Student Support Officer [email]
none registered Cook Nigel Grant-Funded Researcher (E) [email]
831 36937 Cook Stephen Professor of Defence Systems [email]
831 31441 Cook Steven Senior Lecturer [email]
831 31902 Cool Johanna Teaching Support Officer [email]
831 37703 Cool Johanna Teaching Support Officer [email]
831 33550 Cooper Dylan Technical Officer [email]
831 34480 Cooper Lisa Media expertise: Law, Crime & Justice [email]
831 35575 Cooper Steven University Senior Research Fellow [email]
none registered Coote David Senior Developer [email]
831 34856 Coppins Amber Manager, Internships [email]
831 35069 Corbett Joanne Senior Library Officer [email]
831 37938 Corbett Mark NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B [email]
831 32512 Corfield Thomas Lecturer [email]
none registered Corpuz Ember Researcher [email]
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