Directory Listing -- P

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 34533 Payne Aleksandra Senior Planning Analyst [email]
831 32343 Payne Deb Research Officer [email]
831 35458 Peak Jason Senior Technician - Process & Controls [email]
831 30628 Pearce Alistair Operations Manager [email]
0 8313 8163 Pearce Anna Lecturer [email]
none registered Pearce Brooke Senior Teaching Laboratory Support Staff [email]
831 32658 Pearce Janette Director, Human Resources [email]
831 37244 Pearce Sylvia Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 37497 Pearson Kathryn Urrbrae House Co-ordinator [email]
831 32052 Pearson Kimberley-Rose Executive Assistant [email]
831 34007 Pearson Rosa Global Partnerships Manager [email]
831 31926 Peaston Anne Associate Professor/Reader [email]
none registered Pederick Jordan Casual Research Academic [email]
0 8621 3600 Pedler Katrina Administration/Research Officer [email]
831 35367 Peet Dan Associate Professor/Reader [email]
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