School of Allied Health Science and Practice

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33518 Attrill Stacie Associate Dean (Curriculum) [email]
831 31006 Manafis Stav Faculty Administrative Coordinator [email]
831 33518 Attrill Stacie Associate Professor [email]
831 30245 Gibson Rachel Head of School [email]
none registered Aclan Roslyn Associate Lecturer - Occupational Therapy [email]
831 38050 Bogaardt Henri (Hans) Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33874 Bongioletti Jenna Lecturer - Speech Pathology [email]
831 31087 Brocksopp Casey Associate Lecturer [email]
831 38050 Caruso Tina Associate Lecturer [email]
none registered Castle Chloe Associate Lecturer - Speech Pathology [email]
831 33660 Charlton Kimberly (Kim) Lecturer [email]
none registered Charlton Jessica Lee Associate Lecturer Occupational Therapy [email]
none registered Costalonga Daniel Associate Lecturer [email]
831 32689 Di Tommaso Amelia Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33676 Dickson Cameron Lecturer in Physiotherapy [email]
831 37206 Farrar Lucy Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33611 Ford Amy Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33122 George Emma Program Director Occupational Therapy [email]
none registered Gleeson Cara Associate Lecturer - Physiotherapy [email]
831 36216 Gniadek Zac School Business Manager [email]
831 34953 Hausler Sarah Lecturer - Occupational Therapy (Mon and Wed) [email]
none registered Hockey Sarah Associate Lecturer - Occupational Therapy [email]
831 33663 Huppatz Eliza Lecturer [email]
831 34788 Hurem Dylan Occupational Therapy Lecturer [email]
831 30205 Lau Timothea Associate Lecturer [email]
831 31077 Maddern Amanda Associate Lecturer - Physiotherapy [email]
831 36683 Marley Charles Associate Professor [email]
none registered Mercier Eric Lecturer [email]
831 32315 Morris Sally Lecturer [email]
831 32498 O'Callaghan Ellen Lecturer - Physiotherapy [email]
none registered Ong Ellisa Associate Lecturer - Speech Pathology [email]
831 33891 Porter Lisa Lecturer [email]
831 33697 Prideaux Nicole Lecturer [email]
831 33871 Prince Caitlin Lecturer [email]
831 33568 Rothmore Paul Associate Professor (Physiotherapy) [email]
831 33690 Rushworth Leigh Lecturer [email]
831 33656 Serocki Patricia (Trish) Lecturer [email]
831 33865 Shortland Hollie-Ann Lecturer - Speech Pathology [email]
831 31526 Sierp Ingrid Lecturer [email]
831 37149 Smith Meredith Lecturer [email]
831 33936 Sneath Lauren Associate Lecturer - Occupational Therapy [email]
831 33995 Stevens Jacqui Associate Lecturer [email]
831 32316 Thirumanickam Abirami (Abi) Lecturer [email]
831 31777 Thompson James Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33647 Wadham Deb Lecturer [email]
831 33034 de Zoete Rutger Senior Lecturer [email]
831 32063 Stanhope Jessica Lecturer [email]

The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.